chapter i

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Something about being up high gave Tiago security. He felt safer when he could see everything and everyone. Growing up the way he did would make anyone feel the same. The fact that he was skilled in archery only made it easier for him to be up high. Now, sitting on the roof of the compound, watching a group of teenagers sleeping, Tiago twirled an arrow between his fingers. He was waiting for them to wake up; he knew they were coming to the compound. Where else would they go? This was the only building as far as Tiago could see from his lookout post on the roof.

"You got eyes on 'em from up there, T?" Brenda asked through the walkie-talkie. It was sitting on the railing. Tiago grabbed it and held it to his mouth.

"Yeah, I see 'em."

"I'll pay you if you hit one," Brenda said playfully. Tiago scoffed.

"Fine. Give me a target."

There was silence on the other end for all of five seconds before Brenda answered, "The blond one, far left."

Tiago didn't reply. He grabbed his bow from where it was leaning against the railing. He slid the arrow into place, holding it tautly against the bow. He pulled back sharply, keeping his elbow level with his shoulder. He aimed directly at the head of blond hair. It was easy, given the darkness that surrounded the teenagers; blond was all Tiago could see from the roof. He was about to release the arrow, send it flying directly towards the blond, until the figure beside him stirred and moved into his line of fire.

"Dammit," Tiago muttered, relaxing his muscles and lowering his bow. He grabbed the talkie off the railing. "He's in my shot."

"My offer still stands," Brenda replied quickly. "Be ready for anything. And be careful, T. There's a storm coming."

Tiago looked up at the sky and found that Brenda was right; the storm clouds were merging together, beginning to create massive booms of thunder. Tiago cursed under his breath. He replaced the walkie on the railing before lifting his bow once more. The teenagers were running now, sprinting towards the compound. Tiago estimated that he had about forty seconds before they would be inside. He aimed, tilted his bow slightly so he wouldn't fatally injure the blond, and fired. Without looking to see whether his shot landed, Tiago grabbed his quiver and the talkie from the railing. He clipped the talkie to his belt, slung his bow and quiver onto his back, and launched himself down the small gap in the roof.

He was on the bottom floor in a minute. Knowing the compound this well, Tiago could swing himself from floor to floor like a monkey through trees. He met Brenda near the entrance to what he and others called the Crank Pit.

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