The run down of the houses(not apart of story but plz read)

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if you are split into the king or queen of spades,clubs,hearts or diamonds and it holds the the red place you are royalty and pampered with luxury however if it is switched out and black holds its place you are the high of the high you rule everything and everyone

If an Ace you are like a Buttler to the royals and you get to live in luxury too but you can get de-bunked from that position

If put in spades and it holds black,you will be merely a high upper village and you'll have to follow three rules:
•abide by all rules and do what the upper house's want
•don't ask questions and be ready for when the upper house's come to visit
•treat upper house's with respect and they'll treat you with respect

If spades and reversed to red you work along side the black spades and go by the same rules but red just works more harder everyday

If sorted into a red of hearts you are middle class and you don't get treated fairly or kindly and if swapped with black nothing happens but at least you get paid

And if sorted in diamonds your nothing but presents to higher classes

And jokers are nothing it's like they don't exist but secrets are supposed to stay a secret aren't they

Also keep an eye out for:
(Y/N)=your name
(L/N)=last name
(S/T)=skin tone
(H/C)=hire colour
(H/l)=hire length
(E/C)=eye colour
(F/C)=favourite colour
(F/F)=favourite food
(F/D)=favourite drink
(F/F/C)=favourite fictional character

(Story under maintenance,fixing a few things up)

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