Chapter 1- Arrival

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Trixie POV-

"What time are we heading out love?" Katya yells from upstairs.

"Like 20 minutes. Hurry up!"

I hear a thump upstairs, probably from her throwing things into her suitcase. "Yeah I'm coming! The plane doesn't leave for another three and a half hours."

"And the airport is going to be busy today, google told me."

Even though she's upstairs I can almost feel her rolling her eyes at me.

She comes downstairs after a couple of minutes, lugging a black suitcase behind her and a backpack over her shoulder. "Alright ready?"

"Yeah." I reply, grabbing my bags and phone. "The Uber is outside already."

We both double check we have everything before shutting the door for the final time this month. It feels like way too long to go to Russia but I know we're going to have fun.

The airport is crowded (like I warned Katya it would be) and it takes forever to get past security. Time seems to slow down when I'm excited for something as if it wants me to stay with the feeling for as long as possible. I don't mind it at all. Katya on the other hand hates waiting in the airport. Once we're past security and near our gate she's already pacing around the small shops. I feel like I'm running after her with my luggage in hand. "Why are you so nervous?" I ask. "It's going to be fun."

She sighs. "I know we are. I'm stressed about my family. I mean you know all the shit that happened with that. And I know my dad is dead but I don't know where the rest of them are. I still worry."

"I know you do. But it'll be fine. Once we're there you'll forget this worry and we'll go and pick out some pretty beads and things." I reply. "Like last time."

She smiles. "Yeah, it better be as good as last time."

I roll my eyes. "God I hate you."

Katya laughs as we continue walking through the airport. She does know I enjoyed our last trip even if it was a little crazy.

The plane ride is filled with turbulence but we both end up falling asleep which is good. We honestly land sooner than I expected. When we get off the plane I'm hit with the familiarity of the last trip. The smells all return and it's nice to be back. "Okay we need to find my mom to drive us to the house." Katya yawns. "But first bathroom."

When we get back out of the bathroom with all of our luggage, Katya calls her moms cell phone. She talks so fast is Russian and her voice completely changes. Just as she hangs up the phone I see her mom rounding a corner not to far away. "Right over there." I point, grabbing the luggage to start walking.

"Good. I thought we'd be looking forever." She replies. Katya runs over and hugs her mom. They converse quickly and I wish I understood. "Come here!" She says, motioning for me to join them. "You always stand in the corner like a lost puppy."

"Well I never know what else to do." I laugh.

After a bit we go to the car, Katya in the front and me in the back with all the luggage. It's midday here but after a fifteen hour flight of half sleeping I could already go to bed. As we near the house I can see that Katya's feeling it too. She and her mom chat the whole way. This part is always weird. It's weird to tell how Katya feels about what she's saying but at the same time have no idea what she's talking about. I do know a little Russian, but nothing near what it would take to keep up with their conversations.

"How far is the house?" I ask Katya. I feel like a little kid on a road trip but I'm so tired of sitting in one spot.

"Like five more minutes. You want to take a walk when we get there?" She replies.

"Ugh definitely. My legs are killing me."

The house comes in to view quickly. It's a plain dirty white color with square windows bordered in navy. It honestly reminds me of lots of the little houses from Wisconsin. The homely-ness of them anyways. Plus, it's a corner lot with half dead grass and a little chicken statue by the door. It's really the only decoration out here. The houses of the neighbors are a little more put together, a few looking almost untouched by the weather and cold.

I only shiver when we get inside and settle for a moment. It's not cold really but it's colder than Katya and I keep the apartment. Besides, there's always been something eerie about going into someone's house that you know you'll be living at for a while. From the outside it feels like home but once we're inside it feels all wrong. Not bad. Just not like home. "How about that walk?" Katya mentions.

"Definitely." I say. "But let me get my coat."

She grabs hers too and we leave, taking a house key with us even though she says her mom never locks the doors. Katya takes my hand and pulls me so I'm walking on the grass with her. "They drive on the sidewalk sometimes, aren't supposed to but I'd prefer to not piss off drivers today."

I laugh and squeeze her hand. "Something feels so strange about being here this time." I say.

Her head tilts slightly to the side. "How come?" She asks.

"I don't know, I think it's just been a long time. And it's so much different than last time."

Katya nods and rolls her eyes. "Well do you want it to be like last time?"

"Not the whole time." I reply, smiling at her. "Just maybe once or twice."

"You're so weird."

"Shut up."

We walk hand in hand for a while, enjoying the sound of the wind in the trees. Cars only pass every once in a while. This is a long stretch of road with a forest off to one side and houses on the other, there isn't much reason to drive through. "I like my moms new house better than the last one." Katya says, breaking the silence. "For obvious reasons."

I nod. "Does a new house make it easier not to think about it or harder?"

Just by the way she's acted in the hour since we've been there, I think it might be the latter.

"I think it's easier." She replies. "I mean, it's not like it's gone, it's really bugging me today. But I think the change is good and it should be better when we start doing things here."

"Yeah. Fair enough." I say. "What are we going to do. We have three weeks to go and do all the fun stuff."

Katya shrugs. "We have to go all the places that I couldn't take you last time. Some of the restaurants around here we didn't hit last time. Plus, I know of a club, that is kinda gay." She laughs.

"What does kinda gay mean?" I ask, feeling weird to even bring the word up here. It all seems so scandalous.

"As in it's not a gay bar in the way it's marketed, but it's basically an underground gay club. I'll take you and show you then." She promises. "You'll love it."

I nod in agreement. The conversation continues. She tells me about all kinds of places she wants to take me. The clubs, shops, places to buy her favorite beads and embroidery thread. There's a little flower shop down the road apparently, one that she's been to once before a couple years ago. Her childhood best friend's sister runs it. It's nice that this place is small. There's always the outside of the village to worry about but I don't even think I could get lost here. It's just a long street with 2 others connected. All the residents are old and there's a church in between the 2 connected streets. Other than that there's just small vendors on the sides of the street and the forest lining the far side of the road. Plus, I won't be going much of anywhere without Katya. I can't talk details to anyone here and I know she's terrified I'll get lost. Then, if we go too far into the city we could be found.

It's pretty here and it's growing on me. We have the little white and navy house on the corner, the flower vendor at the end of the street, and all the restaurants Katya is going to take me to. And I'm most excited about the shops and the club that Katya won't shut up about. I think these three weeks will go by fast.

———————— A.N. Hope this first chapter is interesting enough lol. I think this fic will be more put together than my previous ones because I actually spent the time to think it all through and attempt to tie everything together. Thanks for reading and have a great week!

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