Melior (Better)

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At every turn, Life's fires burn,

I yearn for more strength to learn,

So I fear not the heat,

My soul will not be beat.

Fate shall find my spirit unbowed,

In resolute acceptance I stand proud,

My confidence unshaken,

My soul will not be taken.

Life's battering punches are a test,

In each happening I act my best,

My reactions restrained,

My soul will not be chained.

Reading the other's story at each transgression,

I find greater peace in a reach for compassion,

For harm I will not lust,

My soul will not be unjust.

Never crying at Fate's ministration,

In my dying breaths I may find consolation,

That focused on being good,

My soul did what it could.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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