Chapter 2: What the FU-FRANK!

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I continued through the doors and started making my way to my locker.  As I walked down the hallways I saw a group of nerds staring at me with wide eyes.  I gave a half-assed smile back to let them know I was on their side.  I continued to see all the different cliques as I walked down the hallway.  I could just about se- WHAT THE EVER-LIVING FUCK!  I spun around as quickly as possible with my fist swinging in the air.  Soon enough it came into contact with whoever thought it'd be funny to pinch my ass.

I looked up to see it was one of the football players, presumably one of Chris's friends.  Figures that asshole always hung around the scum of the earth.  His eye was already starting to bruise and swell from the punch, and he was clutching the area with a look of shock on his face.  I looked around to see about twenty other people staring in my direction.  "What are you looking at?!  You'd do the same thing if some asshole tried to pinch your ass!"  Venom laced my words but I didn't care I was beyond pissed at this point.  Great I've been in this shithole for not even five minutes and this has already happened... figures.

I stormed away from there and finally made it to my locker in the back of the sophomore wing.  I stopped in front of it as I twisted the lock.  I put away my things for my four classes after lunch and pulled up my schedule on my phone.  Chemistry first... nice?

The only compliment I could give this school is the layout.  There are four separate identical wings, one for each class, which makes the walks between periods very short.  Basically you knew where to find all your classes except for the electives which had their own hallway.

I didn't know much about Chemistry seeing as freshman take Biology, but it didn't seem too bad.  I mean yeah biology was my least favorite last year but that's because my teacher sucked.  I continued to walk down to where I knew the two science classrooms would be.  I was almost there when I saw Valerie and Brittany walking towards me.  We just kinda made eye contact for a split second before going our separate ways.  God if only they knew what all I went through after they left.

Trying to shake those thoughts away, I saw a sign out of the corner of my eye.  "Room B-6"  Mentally prepare for emotional torture in 3, 2, 1-

"Hi sweetie!  What's your name?"  Oh god here we go.  "Hi my name is Y/n L/n" I said enthusiastically in an attempt to match her energy.  "Y/Nnnnn....." she said looking at her clipboard.  "Oh you're sitting right there next to Mister Iero" she said pointing to a short boy who had black hair with bleached sides.  Great, I was already reminded earlier this morning how the boys at this school like to act.  "Thank you" I smiled as I made my way toward my seat.

I've never seen this boy before, but that's not really saying a lot. I don't know like half the kids in my class. Kids here either went to one of two middle schools. I know everyone from the one I went to, but the only people I know from the other one are those who I've talked to in classes last year. I think I know a total of three of them. I know it's sad.

The boy was glued for his phone until I dropped my backpack next to my stool with a thud and sat down. The boy snapped his head up and I swear his eyes went wide for a second before returning to their normal state. He put on a smug smile and extended his hand out toward me.

"The name's Frank Iero" he said being dead serious.

"The name's L/n, Y/n L/n" I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm as I took his hand.

"Oh well I think we're going to get along great Y/n."  Yeah I hope so.  Otherwise we're going to have a problem here.  He once again turned his attention back to his phone and started frantically texting someone.

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