It's time for the show!

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In a theatre, a god is finishing up a multiverse showing. 

"Well, I believe it is time to bring them in," he said.

With a snap of his fingers, the heroes and villains appeared out of nowhere.  Ozpin sees Salem and tells everyone to get ready to fight. Salem says the same to her inner circle. The White Fang members ready their weapons as well. Raven and Vernal are also on guard. Before they can fight, their weapons disappear, and they each are separated by a giant transparent wall.

"Now. Now. No fighting with your weapons. " a voice said.

The heroes turn and see a tall man with jet black hair and a five-o clock shadow. He is wearing a black suit and black tie.

"Who are you, and why have you brought us here?" Ozpin asked.

"My name is Jack Morningstar, and I have brought you here to watch different realities."

"Alright, but why did you bring them here?" James said pointing to the villains, specifically Watts and Tyrian.

"Hey, my theatre is open to both heroes and villains." Jack said, "Now before I elaborate any further, I need to bring a certain family here as well."

With a snap of his fingers, a man and a woman, as well as their seven daughters appear. Also appearing next to one of the daughters is her wife and son.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce to you the Arcs," Jack said.

"Hi! I'm Nicholas Arc," Nicholas said.

"Hello! I'm Juniper Arc, Juniper said.

"I'm Saphron Cotta-Arc. This is my wife Terra, and our son Adrian." Saphron said.

Both Terra and Adrian happily wave at everyone.

"I'm Jean Arc," Jean said.

"I'm Aqua Arc," Aqua said.

"I'm Jade Arc," Jade replied.

"We're Madison and Morgan Arc!" The twins said in unison.

"I'm Alex Arc," Alex said.

Everyone was dumbfounded seeing such a large family.

"Wait, are you all Jaune's sisters?" Yang asked.

"Yup!" said all the sisters in unison.

"Jaune wasn't kidding when he said he had a big family," Blake said.

"Isn't that great Bun-Bun? Once you get with Jaune, you'll have a large family." Coco said.

"Coco!" Velvet exclaimed, with her leader laughing at a blushing Velvet.

Those who had crushed on the blonde only glared at Velvet.

"Now, these are all the guests for now. Later on, more people will be joining the audience." Jack said.

"So why are we here Mr. Morningstar? Ozpin asked curiously.

"It concerns your student, Jaune Arc," Jack said.

"You know where Jaune is?" Pyrrha asked, worried about her partner/crush.

"What happened to my son?" Juniper asked, concerned.

"It's best if I show you," Jack said.

With a snap of his fingers, the screen behind him replayed all that has happened to Jaune Arc. From his fake transcripts being discovered by Cardin to Cardin blackmailing him into being his servant. The screen then showed Jaune refusing to hurt his friends and stands up to Cardin. Not only that, he saves Cardin from an Ursa attack. Despite what Jaune did, Cardin revealed the truth about his transcripts. Many of the students at Beacon turn on Jaune and make his life hell, their cruelty ranging from physical abuse to psychological abuse. Jaune's friends and teachers stand up for him, but Jaune is still bullied, and it shows how his dream of becoming a Hunstman is slowly dying.

Jaune Arc: Hope and Despair in the MultiverseWhere stories live. Discover now