Just The Way You Are

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Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader

Word Count: 1k

Summary: Harry's been more affected by the comments some people are making than he'd like to admit.

Warning(s): mentions of zayn (sue me), mentions of certain people that don't know how to keep their mouths shut and mind their own business (ew), harry being hurt, y/n being the bad bitch that she is and comforting him, fluff <3

A/N: anon requested: fic request!!! i love ur stuff!! would you mind writing a piece about harry being initially insecure about nail polish, makeup, femininity etc and y/n comforting him and being supportive. just fluff and hurt/comfort pls. Thank you so much for requesting!!! I really hope that i did justice to this!!! Also, i know that i have other requests in my inbox right now, I'm going to try to get to them all very soon!!! also !! this is me basically cleaning out my inbox it's just that i have a higher chance of the tags working if i make it it's own post and not an answer to an ask <3 ((fdkjsafh okay this was the request from tumblr so there's a little backstory i guess))


Harry's not the kind of guy that just breaks down. He's very confident in who he is; he's comfortable with himself. When he does get stressed or upset, he has healthy ways of dealing with those emotions.

That's why walking into your boyfriend's kitchen and seeing him on the floor leaned up against the cabinets, shaking with the power of the sobs wracking through his body, you're a bit frightened. The last time he had cried like this was when Zayn left One Direction, and that was a long time ago. He doesn't just cry like this, so there has to be something wrong.

As you step carefully step closer to him, you notice that his rings and his nail polish are gone. Your brows furrow at the sight, but you decide to question that later.

Sitting down gently in front of him, you shuffle as close to him as you can with his knees pressed to his chest. Reaching a hand up and carding it through his curls, you coo his name. "What's wrong baby?"

"Nothing." The words are muffled from both his tears and his arms, but you still hear it nonetheless.

"Harry, come on. I know that something's wrong." You don't want to push him too much, too fast, but you know that there has to be something that's really bothering him for this to be happening. "You can tell me, baby."

Sniffling, he raises his head slightly. Your heart breaks at his puffy, red rimmed eyes and tear stained cheeks. His eyes look dull in comparison to the brightness that they normally hold. "I feel like I can't be me." He chokes on a sob, struggling to get the words out in a coherent manner.

"What do you mean, bub?" You gently push his arms from his legs and usher him to let his legs fall from his chest into a different position. Once he's comfortable, you climb into his lap, straddling his legs.

"The things that people have been saying about me are just getting to me." He confesses and, in that moment, you've never wanted to punch someone more.

"Which part is getting to you?" You have an inkling of what's bothering him, but you're scared that there's more.

Sniffling, he pulls you closer to him. "All of it. The nails, the rings, the makeup, the femininity that I show. Why do they hate what I do?" The tears start flowing fully again and you wrap your arms around him to bring him any kind of comfort. "Why are they mad that I'm happy?"

He buries his face in the crook of your neck, finding solace in you. "Harry, baby, can you come to the bathroom with me for a minute?" You attempt, needing to show him something.

He nods, agreeing to go. You scramble out of his lap as gracefully as possible and then await for him to rise from his spot on the floor. Taking his hand, you lead him to the bathroom and instruct him to take a seat on the toilet. He obeys, sitting down and looking at you expectantly.

Before you do anything, you wipe his tears from his face with the pads of your thumbs and place a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose. As you pull away you whisper, "Can I show you how beautiful you are?"

He reluctantly nods. As soon as he grants you permission to do so, you're pulling out your makeup and nail polish and setting everything out.

"Listen, baby. I know what they're saying is mean, okay? I get it, and I know that it has to be hard to hear those things." He nods, looking down at his hands. You quickly place a finger under his chin and lift his head back up. "You're perfect, okay? And the only thing that the makeup changes is that you look even prettier than usual. It makes you look stunning."

"Thank you." He smiles, and you revel in the small achievement. You're ecstatic that he's smiling, even if it only lasts for a few seconds before falling again.

"You don't need to thank me." You wave him off. "Just want you to know that you're loved. Everything about you is perfect, okay?" He nods, smiling. "Can I redo your nails and maybe do your makeup too?" He's already somewhat consented to you making him beautiful, but you want to be specific so he knows for sure what's happening.

"Go for it." Smiling, you pick up the primer and get to work, making him look even better than he always does.

Once you're done with his makeup, you paint his nails a pretty shade of pink and put all his rings back on. Placing a kiss on his nose, you smile at him. "I love you, and you're beautiful no matter how you choose to dress."

"I love you too, baby." He whispers, mirroring your action and placing a light kiss to the tip of your nose. You giggle when you feel the stickiness of the lip gloss transfer to your nose. "Come on, let's go make some people mad." He suggests, and you agree quickly, loving that he seems to have his groove back, and basking in the knowledge that you helped him realize that he's perfect just the way that he is.


thank u so much for reading <33

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