Chapter -9-

6 0 2

Scarlett pov- BOLD

Ayris pov- Italics

Narrator pov- Underlined

My face started to bead with sweat. A flood of relief washed over me as I here a familiar voice calling my name. Bakugou. His outline appeared from the brush and I jumped up to greet him but BANG* an explosion went off. I blacked out for a few minutes and awoke by Bakugou vigorously shaking me. Did he have tears in his eyes? I don't know, my head hurt too much to comprehend anything. I moved a hand up to my ears and when I pulled in in front of me, my fingertips were smeared with dripping red blood. I sat up and immediately felt dizzy. When I came back to my senses my eyes widened. "Where's Dabi?!" I shouted. I saw relief come into Bakugou's eyes. He sighed and laughed, "don't worry I hung him in the tree over there." Bakugou pointed to Dabi who had his hands and ankles tied up with rope. He had a menacing scowl on his face from being beat by Bakugou. I let out a breath, "Thanks," He helped me up but my head shot over to the right and I got in my fighting stance, something was in the brush.

I watched as Bakugou practically pinned my sister down on the ground, so I slowly started to back up to get out of there. I let out a low but quiet growl since the prince did not die. Once I backed up enough that they wouldn't see me if I stood up, I jumped up and started sprinting. I was going as fast as I could, I needed a plan B to kill that damned bastard. I continued to sprint hoping, praying, they didn't hear me. 

I looked around to see if I could spot anything. Than in a flash saw a glimpse of dark purple. My eyes widened. It must have been Kurogiri, the butler of the LOV. "Bakugou" I said extremely worriedly, "the LOV must have done this. They blew up your castle and Dabi must have also brought Kurogiri." "What?!" He said. "Yes, I think I just saw him." Bakugou looked at me concerned. "Nothing was there Ayris." I looked at him shocked, "No- no, I'm positive I saw something." I said shaking my head. "Come on we have a safe house near by that we can stay at," "Wait what about Dabi?" I turned around to find torn rope sitting on the ground. The cold truth struck me like a truck. We frantically looked around but he was already gone. "Damn it," Bakugou cursed. "Well we have no point standing out here like prey, lets go to that safe house." He said as he's swung my arm around his shoulder and dragged me out of the garden.

I was running and I got a glimpse of spiky hair. 'Bakugou' I thought, so using a special move I invented with my quirk. 'Poison Lash' I thought, as the poison ivy escaped my skin, and grabbed the man from right in front of me. I lifted him up in the air, and a gust of blue whipped right beside me, and the entire forest lit on fire. I hung onto him and tried to run in the direction opposite of where I was running. 

I looked over at Bakugou to see his face concentrated. I smiled. He looked so similar to when he was young. He glanced over at me, "What?" he said in a gruff voice, I was just about to respond and 'say it's nothing' when something stopped me. I sniffed the air. "Smoke," I said. He furrowed his eyebrows. His eyes shot Open. "Your right." I turned around and a colossal flame erupted in front of me. Blue flames lashed out and threatened to eat us alive. I screamed and stumbled backwards. Bakugou jumped in front of me, "Run!" he shouted. "No!, No I can't leave you behind!!" "Now!" I waited one second to make sure he had everything under control and then got up to ran. A stiff object stopped me in my tracks. "Hello, Queen."

I continued to run towards where I came from. I ran and ran, I was starting to get dizzy and my quirk was starting to fail me. I tried to keep on running, but a small amount of the explosive powder that was left on my dress exploded, shooting me forward, and mid-air, myself falling unconscious. 

Dabi was standing right in front of me. A malicious smile spread across his face. He grabbed my hair and yanked me upwards. "You're coming back to the LOV." I kicked and struggled but to my demise his grip stayed firm. I swung my fist and knocked him in the nose. He spit blood onto my face but still didn't let go. I heard a scream above me and someone landed on top of us, knocking me unconscious.

Bakugou watched the events unfold. He quickly ran over and grabbed Ayris and the mystery girl who was also unconscious and ran off with them barely able to with the weight of them on his shoulders. They had to get away before Dabi had woken up

words 866


that's it sorry

-Ayris and Scarlett

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