Chapter Eight: Everything's Going To Be Okay

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[This art/gif is not mine. Give credit to the original artist.]

A month later

Spinel is still a wreck from the fight between her and Pink Pearl. Spinel currently just laying in her bed just staring at the ceiling for a moment before sighing sadly and starts silently crying... Again. A knock suddenly comes from the front door.

Buddnel: H-hello? Is anyone home?

Steven Universe: It's Steven Universe and Buddnel!

Spinel looks at the door from upstairs before going downstairs and opening said door to see that Buddnel and Steven are there. Buddnel and Steven looked worried as Steven has a gift basket for Spinel to give her in order to make her feel better.

Spinel: Oh, hi guys...

Steven Universe: Hey Spinel, we got you this gift basket to make you feel better.

Buddnel: Are you ok, Spinel?

Spinel: ... No...

Buddnel: What's wrong?

Spinel stays quiet, not wanting to talk about it. Buddnel looked worried as he turns to Steven who also looked worried.

Buddnel: Spinel, please tell us.

Spinel: I d-don't want t-to talk about i-it...

Steven Universe: ... Ok... *Gives Spinel the gift basket*

Spinel: Thanks...

Buddnel: ... Spinel... If you want someone to talk to, I'm always here for you.

Steven Universe: Buddnel don't you mean, "We're always here for you"?

Buddnel: *Shoves his hand in Steven's face in order to shut him up* I'm always here for you to listen, ok Spinel? I care about you.

Spinel: *Smiles and chuckles* Thank you, guys.

Buddnel: You're welcome, Spinel. Hugs Spinel* See you soon. *Turns around and is about to leave*

Spinel: Buddnel, w-wait! Can you stay here? For a bit...?

Buddnel: Sure, do you Steven to stay too?

Spinel: No.

Buddnel: Ok. *Turns to Steven and grabs him by his shirt* Get lost Universe! *Throws him towards Steven's house*


Spinel chuckles a bit at that. Buddnel walks in Spinel's house before hugging Spinel, but he accidentally touches her face with his left cheek without realizing it while hugging her.

Spinel blushes but hugs back. Buddnel's face is just as fluffy as his hands. Spinel nuzzles into the fur on Buddnel's left cheek. Buddnel blushes as he feels his face heats up from Spinel's action.

Spinel: Sorry.

Buddnel: *Blushes* I-it's ok. You can keep nuzzling me.

Spinel: *Blushes* T-thanks Buddnel. *Keeps nuzzling Buddnel's left cheek*

Buddnel blushes at this some more as he continues hugging Spinel, who keeps nuzzling his face. Buddnel starts squeaking cutely from this as he pushes his face against Spinel's face a bit more to get nuzzled deeper. Spinel smiles at this and nuzzles Buddnel's left cheek even more. Buddnel wags his tail from this.

Buddnel: *Blushes* S-Spinel, your s-skin is so s-soft and warm...

Spinel: *Blushes* Thanks Buddnel.

Buddnel fur on his face and body fluffs up from all the nuzzling going from Spinel, who blushes and continues to nuzzle him. Buddnel's legs started to get tired from standing for too long as they started wobbling. Spinel notices this and stops nuzzling Buddnel's left cheek before she carries Buddnel in her arms. Buddnel blushes hard at this as he looks up at Spinel.

Spinel chuckles at this. Buddnel blushes, smiles, and squeaks cutely as he starts to snuggle into Spinel's arms cutely. Spinel smiles at this as Buddnel continues to snuggle into Spinel's arms. Spinel starts nuzzling Buddnel's left cheek again. Buddnel blushes from this. Buddnel blushes from this. Spinel also blushes from this as she sits down on the couch.

Buddnel: *Blushes* You REALLY like my fur, do ya?

Spinel: *Blushes* Yeah...

Buddnel: *Snuggles into Spinel's arms some more* Feeling better?

Spinel: *Nods* Yeah.

Buddnel: That's good...

Spinel: ... We... Had a fight...

Buddnel: Huh?

Spinel: Me and... Pink Pearl... Had a fight...

Buddnel: What happened? Why did you and Pink Pearl have a fight?

Spinel: 'Cause Pink Pearl was upset...

Buddnel: What happened?

Spinel: Pink Peal called me Pink because I left her without saying goodbye...

Buddnel: Who's this "Pink" guy you keep bringing up? Was this guy your ex boyfriend and Pink Pearl used him as an insult?

Spinel: She was a... Diamond...

Buddnel: What's her name?

Spinel: Pink Diamond.

Buddnel: What's a Diamond?


Buddnel: Who's Pink Diamond and what did Pink Diamond do to you back then? Why would Pink Pearl ever call you Pink Diamond?

Spinel: Pink Diamond was my bestfriend in the whole galaxy... On Homeworld Pink Diamond used to be so lonely, but not at the garden. Me and Pink Diamond would do nothing but play for hours, we had so much fun...! At least that's what I thought... One day Pink Diamond gotten her VERY OWN planet; Earth! I was SO excited, a brand new place to play! But I didn't go with her... I was following Pink Diamond about to go to Earth with her when she stopped me and made me play a game with her...

Buddnel: *Cocks his head in a confused manner* A game? What was it called?

Spinel: It didn't have a name, all I had to do was stand still and wait for her to come back for me... It lasted for 6,000 years...

Buddnel: *Becomes shocked* 6,000!?

Spinel: Yep... And after all of that one day a message came on revealing to me that I lost the game... I tried to take my revenge, but I realized that it was wrong... So I decided to start over and... Well, now you know the rest...

Buddnel: Why would Pink Pearl call you Pink Diamond?

Spinel: Because I was acting just as selfish as Pink Diamond and left Pink Pearl behind without telling her goodbye...

Buddnel: Spinel, you weren't being selfish! You didn't mean to leave without telling Pink Pearl goodbye! How could anyone do such a thing to someone as amazing as you are!? You're a great friend and it sickens me and someone actually did that to you! I-if I was there, I could've stopped it!

Buddnel: *Hugs Spinel* Well, you're safe now and that's what matters.

Spinel: Thanks Buddnel.

Buddnel: You're welcome.


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