twelve. fin.

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a/n: ahh, last chapter is finally here! i finally finished :') please vote, comment, and share! let me know what you think!


word total for this chapter: 687 (sorry for the short chapter, it wasn't intentional)


By the time we feel semi-satisfied with our work, it's nearly sundown, and we decide to sleep on land for the last night before setting sail. After some thought, I start setting my blanket down on the soft grass near a large tree, looking over my shoulder at Dream.

He slips his mask off, our eyes meeting, and he smiles warmly, making my heart jump slightly as a smile creeps onto my face as well. Setting his blanket down next to mine, he grabs his pack, fishing out something to eat as well as a bottle of water. I follow suit, and we eat quietly, the sound of the waves crashing into the sand being the only thing making sound.

Dream and I chit-chat for a bit, and it feels back to normal, and I'm relieved. I hated how awkward it felt earlier. Honestly, even though I haven't known Dream for that long, he's my best friend. I know that I would give my life for him, and I know he would do the same for.

"You're deep in thought." He says suddenly, breaking me out of my mind. "What are you thinking about?" I look over to him, laying down with his head propped up on his hand.

I smile. "I'm thinking about how you're my best friend." Dream almost seems to blush when I say that, and he looks away, not wanting me to see his embarrassment.

"You're my best friend, too, Georgie." He replies quietly, and I'm glad that I catch it. My face heats slightly, but I grin, looking away from him.

Even if we're not together like that, I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Screw labels, we just need each other. He's enough for me.

"We should probably get some sleep soon." Dream says, breaking the moment slightly. I nod in agreement, folding my hands on my stomach, and facing the stars. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Dream hold out his arms, silently inviting me to cuddle. A smile threatens to creep onto my face, and I decide to mess with him a bit.

Ignoring his silent plea, I allow my eyes to close, trying to fall asleep.

"George." His voice is whiny, and I can feel him turn towards me, rolling from his back to his side. His gaze bores into the side of my head, but I look up, trying to make out the stars from between the tree branches, only being slightly successful.

After a few seconds of me ignoring him, Dream huffs dramatically, rolling back onto his back and doing the same as me. I smile softly, laughing internally at his dramatic nature. It's only a few minutes until I hear Dream's breathing even out, very quiet snores emitting from his mouth.

He's so cute. I don't care enough to tell my mind to shut up, because it's true. He looks adorable. That is, until he rolls over in his sleep, slinging his arm over my lower stomach, pulling towards me subconsciously. I almost open my mouth to protest, and then I remember that he's asleep.

Rolling my eyes to myself, I scoot closer to him, and Dream's grip tightens even more, effectively keeping me trapped against him. I give in and pick his head up lightly, letting it rest on my shoulder as I mess with his hair.

Dream smiles in his sleep, and I almost melt at the sight.

What if this really could work? I ask myself. It's more important to keep him in your life than to risk losing him for a label. Nodding slightly, I come to my resolve again.

I fall asleep watching the stars, my fingers entangled in Dream's soft hair, listening to his soft snores and the gentle rush of the tide.

End of Book One.

Check out the sequel, coming soon, to find out what happens when Dream and George set sail. Do they find the Utopia? Does it even exist? Will they see Wilbur and Technoblade again? Will they even survive the sail? Find out in my next book!

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