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word total for this chapter: 1505


As he starts to unzip his pack, some movement catches my eye. A small teddy bear falls out, and Dream scrambles to pick it up.

"What's that?" I ask, even though he probably doesn't want to talk about it.

"It's my little sister's..." He answers after a moment, and I notice how strained his voice sounds at the end. Glancing over at him from the corner of my eye, I watch him look down at the bear, his voice full of emotion.

"Oh." I say softly, feeling like I'm interrupting a private moment and looking away. I hear him sigh.

"She was staying at a friend's house when the fires hit us." His voice cracks, and my gaze falls towards him again. Dream's shoulders have begun to shake, just slightly. I can tell that he's trying to hide it.

My heart hurts as I watch him try to keep it together. I finally decide on something, before I let my brain talk me out of it.

Sliding over to him, I pull him into my side, wrapping my arm around his shoulders. He lets go of the bear with one hand and turns into me, throwing his arms around my torso and pulling me into him tightly.

I breathe a gasp of surprise, but wrap my other arm around him quickly, hugging him back just as tightly. At first, we're silent, but in a few seconds, I hear Dream's soft sobs and feel him shaking in my arms.

My heart breaks just a little for him. I shush him softly, resting my head against his shoulder. Knowing that I can't push too hard right now, I just let him get his emotions out, merely whispering small bits of comfort here and there.

As time passes, I feel him shake less and less, until he seems mostly still. I loosen my arms a bit, trying to lean back and look at him to evaluate his mental state. His body comes with me, and that's when I realize he's fallen asleep against me, the two of us on our knees, hugging each other, in an abandoned convenience store.

My subconscious tries to tempt me by telling me to take his mask off, yet I resist. He obviously trusts me a little right now, and if he caught me doing that, he'd never forgive me. Slowly, I let him slide to the ground, cradling his head in my lap as I position us against the end of a shelf.

I'm sitting with my legs straight out, and Dream is on his back, his head on my legs and hands.

He looks so peaceful. I think to myself. Not at all intimidating as I thought he was before.

Dream seems to stir slightly, shifting more so onto his side, gripping the teddy bear close to his body. I almost mutter a slight 'awe,' before I think better. His hair is soft against my right hand, and I mess with it absentmindedly.

Before I know it, my head is tilted back against the shelf, and I fall asleep with one arm across the front of Dream's shoulders and chest and the other entangled in his messy hair.

I wake, yet it's not where I fell asleep. I'm lying on the cold ground, the stars shining bright above me. Sitting up, I look around, trying to comprehend what has happened.

"George!" The desperation in Dream's voice startles me, even though his yell sounds like it was from far away.

"Dream?" I yell back, unsure if I'm imagining it or not. Then, I hear a scream; one I can only assume is his.

"Please, help me, George!" He yells, and I scramble to my feet, moving quickly towards the source of his voice.

"Ah!" I yelp, nearly stepping directly off the edge of a cliff. It's so dark that I didn't even see it.

into fire (dreamnotfound) (complete)Where stories live. Discover now