Chapter 26 The breach of memories

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Chapter 26

The breach of memories

The whole world beneath their feet shook violently. The men had readied themselves, lifting their broad wooden shields to parry an incoming enemy assault. But, just as they did, Link, Simon, and their accompanying soldiers were met with nothing. And as quickly as the tremors began, they faded. Instead, only silence settled over them. A sense of unease spread through the army as they looked around for the source of the vibrations. All were perplexed at what could have caused such massive quakes as to shake the entire castle all the way to its foundations. Long moments passed, and no one dared to make a sound.

Finally, when it became clear they hadn't been ambushed, Link took a few steps passed the front line. He sensed the men's fear around him and took charge in hopes that it would rally their courage. Simon and his marshals followed closely behind Link as they breached the castle's first level unimpeded.

However, they still needed to traverse three more just like it to reach the heart of the ancient structure where they could end this war.

After some cautious venturing, they eventually found themselves faced with a large, old wooden gate. The door once led to an enclosed outdoor area that held the royal training grounds and the stables. Link could still clearly remember as if it were yesterday the extensive field where horses and other livestock grazed, kept for the castle kitchens and city garrison.

Link was also aware that it had been the weakest point of entry and decided it would be the best chance they had to get inside and seize control from within. A strong position within the castle walls that would be among open ground where they can repel forces easily in all directions once acquired.

Cautiously, the knight nudged the door open slightly using his axe and dagger. And as it creaked open he didn't expect what was on the other side. Instead of enemy forces, a surprise herd of cattle stormed out from within, startled from the door's movement. Link narrowly avoided being caught in the stampede's path as the panic quickly spread through the cooped-up animals.

Clearly, what he had just accidentally freed had to have been the stolen stock from days prior. Fleeing from their captors, the frightened animals rushed out onto the main level of the castle grounds, ensuing chaos as they did, running every which way, desperately trying to escape as they broke the army's defensive line in a fury.

"Steady, men! Steady!" Simon shouted to his soldiers. "Watch out, you fools! Get back into your lines, quickly!"

As the last of the herd rushed past, a voice called out to them from above. Atop a nearby turret was none other than Ganon's right hand himself. Malroc the Terrible.

"Welcome, Simon..." he said with a devilish smile, "Lord of nothing." The lynel craned his neck to the side as he stared down at them. His malice infested eyes glowed, filled with pure hatred for the people of the goddess.

Simon gasped as he was directly addressed, nearly falling over from the thundering voice that cracked and split the wind above them. The army, too, looked on in awe at the sight of the massive beast. "He can speak? He knows my name?!" Simon floundered at the revelation. He was shaken to his core, but was determined not to let that show in front of his subordinates. However, with his knees buckling and the beads of cold sweat trailing down his pale face betrayed him.

Malroc taunted. "I have foreseen this moment, the day that the realm of men finally falls. How convenient of you to bring your armies right to us. Now, we can slaughter you all in one place. My master will have more important things to do than deal with than the likes of you when he arrives, saves him the trouble."

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