Chapter 2: the show

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Next day

Y/n pov

It was 9 in the morning, and today we were finally going to meet our idols. This is a dream.

"Wake up wake up!" I say screaming up in the morning.
"What" she says.
"It's today" I say.

"Omg yesssss" she says jumping out of the bed.
"but what time does it start?"she asked."it starts at 2pm and ends at 5pm" I say "ok but what should we do in the meantime?" she ask with a sigh.
"I don't know, maybe watch some tv and eat some breakfast?" I say, her answering with a nod.

She is on her way to made some breakfast, but before she even can take a step I say "No, let me make it for us" I say stopping her.
"If you're okey with it" she tells me.
I make us some toast with Nutella and she want peanuts butter on.

Time skip——————->
Still y/n's POV—>

It is now 12 a clock, and y/n have this o

It is now 12 a clock, and y/n have this o

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And this is what f/n wear:

So now is there only 1 hour and 30 minutes before it starts

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So now is there only 1 hour and 30 minutes before it starts.
It takes 30 minutes to come there over so we are going in 30 minutes.
Y/n" she says.
Mhmm" I mumble. " when are we going, I cant wait" she says. "Me to but we are going in 25 minutes, ok" I say. " fine" she says.

Time skip 30 minutes!!

We are driving over to the place ( it's in Harry Potter studio)
Hey f/n" I ask. "Yes"she says. " can you take the music higher up" I ask. "Yes of course"
She says. And then she turn the mucus higher up.
Never get free last in the stalker
What are you gonna do when there's blood in the water when there's blood in the water!!!

When, when, when there's blood in the water!!

Time skip
"We are here now" i says.
"Omg yes yes yes" she says while try not to scream.
I giggle a little. And then she go in the driveway, and then we step out of the car and go in. The first we see is many people. And so many Harry Potter things.
The first thing we do is look at each other and say "wow" at the same time.
We then go little closer and closer. And you longer we come in More I'm getting butterflies in my stomach.
Me and f/n like try not to screaming.
But we can't we let out a "iiiiiiiiiiiiiii"
And that feels good to say.
"When do it start" she ask. " in 25 minutes" I say. "Ok, let get some butterbear" she says. " sounds good" I say. Then we walk to the first place we can see something that looks like butterbear. ( I have never been in Harry Potter studios so I'm guessing)
We then after 5 min found something. And we both buy a cold butterbear, and it taste delicious. " I love it" I say out to the world.
Me to" she says happy in her voice.
We take one more sip of our drinks and then we go over to the scene. And because we are crazy we run into many people only so we can come in the front. " omg I am so excited" I say
" so much me to sister" she says giggling.

Time skip 15 min

The clock is now 2 minutes before it starts.
And we are so excited. We can see som shadow behind the scenes so we definitely know that it beginning in not soo long. We talk a little bit some times and now we hear a microphone that says " omg hey everyone I'm so happy to see all you guys down there and I know that our favourite people behind me also are 100% happy you guys are here. And then a blonde haired girl whit brown eyes come on stage.
And says " hi again, today you are going to meet are all favourite Emma Watson" Emma then get on stage an we are screaming so much in excitement. And jumping up and down and we are 27. And then the girl on stage continued with talking " ok so hey Emma" " hey guys I'm so happy to see all you guys" "you to" I scream up. "Thank you, you to sweet" she says. " so now let's say hi to Rupert Grint" the girl blond haired girl says. Then Rupert come on stage and says " hey Orlando!!!" And then all screams. " omg all you guys are so cute" he says. " and then are you" the Blond girl says.
And then we hear Robert talk from the back. And then f/n scream a little.
And I just standing there getting a big shock.
" and now Robert Pattinson!!" The blond girl says.
And then I can say I have no ears back, she screams higher then the most screaming baby in the world. And I just say " shut it" " no, I can't" she says. " then chill" I says. " I can't do that, I try" she says.
" hi cuties" Robert says. And then she scream " you are a cutie" " thank you you too" he says.
Thanks" f/n says. " omg he said that you was a cutie" I says excited. " is this real" " yes" I says.
"Omg" she says. "Ok ok take a deep breath" i say. " ok ok" she says and then she take a deep breath. " better" I ask. " a little" she says.
" and then we have Daniel Radcliffe" "omg omg" me and f/n says at the same time.
And then the chosen one come on stage.
" hi everyone, you guys look Handsome, but most my griffendors out there" he says. And then we laugh. " and then where favourite twins, Philip and Oliver"
"Hi every one" there say at the same time.
And then they do a little dance.
"And last but not least Tom Felton"
The blond girl says.

To be continued.......

Hope you enjoy this

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