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"Is.. is that why you're in the wheelchair?" I nodded and rolled my pant leg back down before smiling at Peter and turning to put the file back on the shelf.

I stopped just before I put it back since I remembered something I had heard earlier that morning so instead I left my room with the file on my lap, signalling Peter to follow me and we entered the kitchen where a red man wearing a cape and a man with very short dark hair and skin who moved away slightly when I entered the room.

"I'm going to get a movie set up in the living room, any requests?" Peter quietly asked me and I shook my head before he headed to his room to grab a movie.

"Good afternoon Mr Corallus" the red man greeted and I smiled and waved before pointing at him
"My name is Vision" he said and I pointed at the man behind him who seemed to be trying to phase through the cabinets
"He is Sam Wilson, also known as Falcon" he explained and I held out my hand for him to shake and he did before I offered my hand to Sam behind him who just stared at my hand or, more specifically, my claws

"No thanks, I'm good." He quickly commented and I lowered my hand back to my lap trying not to look too crestfallen.

I picked up a daisy, clover flower, and clover leaf and held them out to Vision
"For me?" He asked and I nodded my head before he gently took the flowers from my hand and thanked me

I then did the same for Sam, holding the flowers towards him then placing them on the counter, knowing that he wasn't going to take them from my hand before waving at the two who waved back as I left the kitchen.

When I entered the main living room I saw Peter fiddling with the dvd player while the black haired man was in the corner armchair, reading as usual, although he glanced up as I entered the room.

I quickly made up my mind and wheeled my way over to him, stopping just in front of the armchair. He raised an eyebrow at me and slid a bookmark onto the page before closing his book and placing it on his lap.

"Can I help you with something?"
I shook my head and slid the file off my lap before holding it out to him.

He warily took it from me before giving me a confused look
"Why would you give this to me?"

I shrugged before responding
"He-ard y-you ask for ea-earlier." I stated

"You heard that?" I nodded and he looked down at the file with an unreadable expression before looking back at me
"I just wanted to know more about you, I find you... interesting but the others refuse to tell me anything."

I nodded in understanding and sifted through the flowers on my lap, I managed to find a four leafed clover that I remembered picking earlier and picked it up along with a daisy and clover flower before handing it to him.

He took the tiny bouquet from my hands with a small smile on his face as he gently turned each flower to look at it
"You know daisies symbolize purity and innocence... they were also my mother's favourite flower. I think they represent you well."

I smiled sadly and shook my head "r-read fi-le fir-st then de-decide." He frowned at me and looked down at the file before handing it back to me

"You shouldn't let the past define you, especially when you had no control over what happened, what matters is that you're different now and trying to make up for it. I wanted to read your file because I was too scared to talk to you myself, I was worried about what you may think of me but now I can see that my concerns were unfounded. I don't need to read your file, as long as you continue to talk to me, that is all I need to know you, not a list of data written by cruel scientists." He told me with a serious expression on his face.

I felt tears pricking my eyes as I smiled brightly and nodded before wiping my eyes with my sleeve and holding my hand out towards him
"De-dentra Cora-llus"

I grinned brightly as he took my hand in his and shook it
"Loki Odinson, pleasure to meet you."
My smile somehow grew brighter as we happily shook hands, me with a massive grin and Loki with a small, soft smile.

When we released hands I glanced behind me and saw that Peter had covered the sofa in blankets and cushions and set out crisps and snacks. (that I unfortunately can't eat)

I turned back to Loki and pointed in Peter's general direction
"Want wa-atch mov-ie?" I asked and he chuckled lightly before shaking his head

"I don't think I'm quite ready to step out of the shadows yet, but you go have fun with the spider." I nodded and smiled at him

"Talk l-ater?" I tilted my head slightly at my question

"That would be lovely, thank you." I handed him another of my daisies before waving and heading over to Peter who was waiting with the television screen frozen on the title screen of some film about a blonde boy and a dragon.

He smiled as I approached and I placed my flowers on the coffee table before he lifted me out of my wheelchair and into the blanket nest that he created on the sofa. I snuggled into the blankets, suddenly becoming aware of how cool my body had gotten and latched myself onto Peter as soon as he sat next to me, he seemed to become even warner when I wrapped my arms around him and moved closer to absorb as much heat as I could.

He coughed once before speaking
"A-are you ready to start the film n-now?"

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