Fun Facts about Marching Band
The title is self explanatory. And I think this is something new check it out. These are my own thought. Enjoy!
The title is self explanatory. And I think this is something new check it out. These are my own thought. Enjoy!
Just a list of band stuff the wind ensemble/concert band/marching band/symphonic band/colorguard thats so true...only band kids will get these (i am a trombone -main instrument-, flute -learning-, saxophone -starting instrument and relearning-, and colorguard player/member)
Two words, Marching Band. Marching band is probably not the most exciting thing for normal people, but it gives us band geeks something to live for. This is a book of quotes about marching band. I do not own any of these quotes, I just found them online. All quotes belong to their proper owner. »«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«» #...
Do NOT be confused ! Band person as in marching band person not band like Black Veil Brides or Sleeping with Sirens and stuff like that. These are just stereotyped scenarios or what ever you wanna call it. Just some random nonsense that makes sense. Get some knowledge on how band people act.
A short story series revealing the sectional stereotypes in a band. Every awkward story takes place along with a member of the Feldman High School Marching Band, telling a story of some sort revealing stereotypes in their section. Where ever they are or whatever they do, it's just not going to be some normal day with...