Salad Stories

305 Stories

Wrong number right person by 4str1d_St4rs
Wrong number right personby 4str1d _ Gumdr0p
18 year old Haruno Sakura was a normal girl with a normal life,who had a few close friends,Naruto,Ino,hinata and Tenten,she was one of the only girls who wasn't head ove...
Tzatziki Chicken Salad: A Fresh and Flavorful Lunch by meatdish
Tzatziki Chicken Salad: A Fresh
Imagine a lunch that takes you to Greece's sunny shores with every bite. The tzatziki chicken salad is more than a meal. It's a journey through Mediterranean flavors, of...
Biodegradable Paper Cups vs. Traditional Disposable Cups A Comparative Study by greenpapercups
Biodegradable Paper Cups vs. greenpapercups
This study compares biodegradable paper cups with traditional disposable cups, highlighting key differences in material composition, environmental impact, health and saf...
Cesar salad meets a creepy fan girl (joke fanfic) {Discontinued and old as hell} by Soap_was_here
Cesar salad meets a creepy fan Soap
[Only on Wattpad] Cover by me :D Just some random creepy fan girl breaking into Cesar's house and shit 👜 ❗Disclaimer: I'm not trying to insult anyone who finds a liking...
TMC Bot Requests!! (CLOSED) by Random_Uploader
TMC Bot Requests!! (CLOSED)by The Silliest
Basically AI bots u can talk to.. request anything you'd like! an extent. Enjoy requesting!! :)
SaladLover goes gambling by DRN-Fanfic
SaladLover goes gamblingby official drn fanfic
Salad lover goes on a quest to defend himself from the evil 11 year olds who will torment him on Halloween night, which is only 3 days away! But he doesn't have enough m...
Falling For You by FranklyFrankfurter
Falling For Youby tsukkisbrokenfinger
Tim lived his life in a pattern. Wake up, get dressed, go to school, come home, and film a video for his many viewers. Tim had always stuck to the plan. But that all cha...
Hero's incomprehensive Cookbook by POTIONBUGGYZ
Hero's incomprehensive Cookbookby BUGGY!
Filled with the groups food recipes!
The Ultimate Guide to Healthy Sides for Burgers by HealthyLifeMantras
The Ultimate Guide to Healthy HealthyLifeMantras
Elevate your burger experience with these exceptional and nutritious sides that complement your favorite burger while boosting your overall meal quality. We present a co...
テレビ番組の生攟送䞭...歊装集団がスタゞオ襲撃 ゚クアドル by lorangeserafin
テレビ番組の生攟送䞭...歊装集団がスタゞオ襲撃 ゚クアドルby lorangeserafin
治安が急速に悪化しおいる南米・゚クアドルで9日、テレビ番組の生攟送が行われおいるスタゞオを歊装集団が襲撃したした。 ゚クアドルの譊察圓局によりたすず、最倧郜垂・グアダキルのテレビ局で9日、生攟送が行われおいるスタゞオを歊装集団が襲撃したした。ロむタヌ通信などによりたすず、テレビ局のスタッフ2人がケガをし、珟地譊察は、歊装した男ら13人を...
The Profound Impact of Salah by leopoly12
The Profound Impact of Salahby leopoly12
Prayer, or Salah, is a foundational aspect of Islam, serving as a vital conduit between the believer and the divine.
ノルりェヌ77人殺害犯が囜提蚎 過酷な収容環境で「自殺远い蟌み」 by dombkowskikrawiec
ノルりェヌ77人殺害犯が囜提蚎 過酷な収容環境で「自殺远い蟌み」by dombkowskikrawiec
AFP時事】2011幎にノルりェヌで起きた爆砎・銃乱射事件で77人を殺害した眪で犁錮21幎の刀決を受け服圹䞭のアンネシュ・ベヌリング・ブレむビクAnders Behring Breivik受刑者44が8日、刑務所での隔離生掻が人暩を䟵害しおいるずしお囜を盞手取り提蚎した。9日には、囜が過酷な収容環境で「私を自殺に远い蟌もうずし...
greens changed my life by Sawill123
greens changed my lifeby Sawill123
add greens in your food
Tree x Salad by montythecoolgator
Tree x Saladby montythecoolgator
Tree likes Salad, but Salad is completely clueless!
《蚀うべきこずはハッキリず蚀う》垂秀倫・前駐䞭囜倧䜿が台湟問題で猛抗議する「戊狌倖亀官」華春瑩を黙らせた䞀蚀ずは by nisbetsimon80
《蚀うべきこずはハッキリず蚀う》垂秀倫・前駐䞭囜倧䜿が台湟問題で猛抗 nisbetsimon80
たむらけんじ、ラゞオで報道内容を吊定「"たむけんタむム"は蚀わないです」合コンず説明「事実ず違う」 by lucindamegan60
たむらけんじ、ラゞオで報道内容を吊定「"たむけんタむム"は蚀わないで lucindamegan60
米囜圚䜏のピン芞人たむらけんじ50が10日、米ロサンれルスの日系人向け老舗ラゞオ「Team J Station」TJSの番組「たむけんがLAにいるよ」に出挔。お笑いコンビ「ダりンタりン」束本人志60を巡る䞀連の報道で名前が挙がったこずに぀いお觊れ、報道内容を吊定した。  束本を巡っおは、昚幎12月27日発売の「週刊文春」...
゚むリアンか脳みそか 豪州の朮だたりで芋぀かった謎の生物の正䜓 by silviafletcher717
゚むリアンか脳みそか 豪州の朮だたりで芋぀かった謎の生物の正䜓by silviafletcher717
オヌストラリア・ビクトリア州フェアヘむブンの岩浜の朮だたりで、奇劙な生物が芋぀かった。海氎济客が撮圱し、フェむスブックグルヌプ「フィヌルド・ナチュラリスト・クラブ・オブ・ビクトリア」に先日、投皿した。 「朮だたりで芋぀かりたした。ちょっず倧倉でした、怍物のようでした...」ず蚘した䞍思議な生物は、脳みそのようにも゚むリアンのようにも芋え...
ノルりェヌ77人殺害犯が囜提蚎 過酷な収容環境で「自殺远い蟌み」 by cowiefrederick06
ノルりェヌ77人殺害犯が囜提蚎 過酷な収容環境で「自殺远い蟌み」by cowiefrederick06
AFP時事】2011幎にノルりェヌで起きた爆砎・銃乱射事件で77人を殺害した眪で犁錮21幎の刀決を受け服圹䞭のアンネシュ・ベヌリング・ブレむビクAnders Behring Breivik受刑者44が8日、刑務所での隔離生掻が人暩を䟵害しおいるずしお囜を盞手取り提蚎した。9日には、囜が過酷な収容環境で「私を自殺に远い蟌もうずし...