The Meme-ing Of Love ||| Chungus OwO-Studios
Chungus and Moto-Moto are childhood friends with a secret desire for each other. One day they are hanging out to find a person that will change all three's lives and rel...
Stranger Tales of Las Aminourby Aaron Firehand
This is based off of my main work (the Saga of Las Aminour), and since my character *spoiler*has been defeated*spoiler*, I figured I'd write these new stories, with only...
The Saga of Las Aminourby Aaron Firehand
A capitol that will end in hellfire begins with an election of a man named "tyrant".
Pokémon: End of the Pokemonmous
About 13 years after the outbreak you return to Kalos in search of a new place to stay. You know it's dangerous, and you know that any Pokémon that could've helped you o...
(Discontinued because I died of Tuxedo Lemon
(A lot of characters are based on my friend's usernames online. I'm not creative enough to come up with names)
Dababy is born into a rap fami...
Scooby chungus by Badoobop
Big chungus started a new school this year, afraid of what the other kids would think of him.. only to see something that would make all his fears go away for the rest o...
Funky Friday at Dracula'sby Nate
Dracula is suffering, and Steve Jobs and Sonic the Hedgehog are here to help.
Bunun için hapse atılacağı Adadadada413
40 yıllık koyu AKPli, şeriatçı, Erdoğan destekçisi, CHPli kovucu, gaylerin korkulu rüyası Abdürrahman, Reis-i Cumhur'un oturduğu ilçeye geleceğini öğrenir. Bunu duyup h...