concatenation of dutyby SpragueThomson
Another etymology of the word responsible, response-able, or the avoidance from responsibility. None of us can be excluded in this equation, and certainly not those who...

syntax anarchyby SpragueThomson
Rules have a function, rules also exist to be tested. Especially in writing poetry, grammar needs to sing a lower tone next to rhythm or rhyme, but even without rhyme in...

the aboveboard below by SpragueThomson
There's a lot to be said about how different governments, institutions, their politicians and their officials handle this pandemic. Testing is overall still not up to st...

a cue for the phiby SpragueThomson
Is the golden ratio truly golden? Has this number truly been incorporated by painters and sculptors? Or is it just the rule of nature into what we perceive as more beaut...

morning melodyby SpragueThomson
The singing and dancing magpies out here wake us up every single morning with their funny routine.

In Flew Enzaby SpragueThomson
Sudden death, the toll, the pike at the turn, the crown bug, the microscopic death star, and how it came into our lives. How a bunch of officials all over the World didn...

gureugenicsby SpragueThomson
The arrogance laid bare where compassion and empathy are traded in for select superiority. All in search for the new prophet. It's an old message seen before.
There's no...

the orderby SpragueThomson
When people say their freedoms are at stake they refer foremost to things like going to beaches, concerts, celebrations. Most cases mentioned are social gatherings where...

a train lit by SpragueThomson
When all is dark, the light isn't only outside the tunnel, inside the tunnel burns a light too.

how do you to do by SpragueThomson
Now that the covid peak is assumed to be reached quarantines are loosened, lines are lost. This pandemic will stay with us for a long time, a time in which we all have t...

transformation by SpragueThomson
The change of our house's backyard from a desolate plaque of concrete into a garden.

the corona report by SpragueThomson
The inflammation infected all the way into the White House, where the piss stained prick could only admit to his very incompetence and get the load of his very own words...

time lapseby SpragueThomson
A short journey through time, from here on end to the future and back. What's to come maybe you'll find more horrific than what we see right now. The clock backwards see...

the duck dunkby SpragueThomson
In the abandonment there's a tilting point where the walls come closer and closer. Until the room is gone, that's where I set a new step, let the old go and found the lo...

papercide by SpragueThomson
The forensic evidence left by a murderer, in almost correct haiku syllables.

Anthropologie by SpragueThomson
The store chain with its auspicious brand name is again in the news, now for applying a policy which brands fellow human beings of dark skin complexion as Nicks and Nick...