aux bois des Buttesby SpragueThomson
More than a hundred years ago now, Guillaume Apollinaire died from the Spanish flu. He never fully recovered an injury to the temple as a result from a French assault at...
shot spentby SpragueThomson
As a kid, this is how I looked when I was sick but didn't wanna be ill. My body remembers, so here I am having fought pain and discomfort, setback and mourning of an old... SpragueThomson
How injury evolved me through and beyond the fucking pain of the insult.
tintinnabulary by SpragueThomson
A short fable poem about a cat who stands through a number of storms.
ignis fatuus by SpragueThomson
Illusion cheats on our eyes, as it does with the virtual perception. An illusion isn't virtual, although the virtual can be an illusion. It's not the threshold between u...
time lapseby SpragueThomson
A short journey through time, from here on end to the future and back. What's to come maybe you'll find more horrific than what we see right now. The clock backwards see...
Anthropologie by SpragueThomson
The store chain with its auspicious brand name is again in the news, now for applying a policy which brands fellow human beings of dark skin complexion as Nicks and Nick...
the duck dunkby SpragueThomson
In the abandonment there's a tilting point where the walls come closer and closer. Until the room is gone, that's where I set a new step, let the old go and found the lo...
morning melodyby SpragueThomson
The singing and dancing magpies out here wake us up every single morning with their funny routine.
sorry gameby SpragueThomson
Haiku, for a sorry soccer game. Gone forever. No more playing on this board. Close the game by folding it up and put it back in its box.
papercide by SpragueThomson
The forensic evidence left by a murderer, in almost correct haiku syllables.
justice fliesby SpragueThomson
No matter what, the lawlessness will meet its end. This time demanding transparency beyond all the veils of power. Let justice speak for everyone, not just for the happy...
superette by SpragueThomson
The notion of being ignored. I still felt the need to react, the doubt lingers if I shouldn't have done so.
To be ignored can only be answered by letting go in the first...