#1RULES OR LURES?by Kamil Ali301verslurecult+9 more #2SMILEby Kamil Ali301kamiltheauthorphilosophyprofoundv+7 more #3WILL ALIGNMENTby Kamil Ali2501terrorkamiltheauthorpunishment+9 more #4DEMONS MUST BE RELIGIOUSby Kamil Ali2901talesexorcismkamil+8 more #5COPEby Kamil Ali401optionsdepressionprofound+7 more #6EVOLUTIONby Kamil Ali201statusphilosophymentor+5 more #7BLOOD THAT KILLS THE SYSTEM by cobbyroxy7642Its a poetry based on how each day we strive to make a change in our live only to kill ourselves with our own words. Not only words but also how we see our image in our...annefrankkamfamcalumhood+17 more #8CORE ADOREby Kamil Ali701taleskamilvers+8 more #9'THE INITIATES' - Reviews:by Kamil Ali301initiatesparanormalkamiltheauthor+4 more #10WHO WHAT WHERE WHY WHENby Kamil Ali501kamiltheauthorprofoundvers+8 more #11SUMMIT PLUMMETby Kamil Ali501profoundcelebkamil+9 more #12'PATCHES' OF AUTHORITYby Kamil Ali601alipatcheschallenge+12 more #13TODAYby Kamil Ali201talesyesterdayali+8 more #14CHALLENGEby Kamil Ali201empowerchallengephilosophy+6 more #15RACE CAREby Kamil Ali201profoundtalesali+12 more #16DEMONIC POSSESSIONby Kamil Ali4501kamiltheauthorprofoundpossession+8 more #17POSTHUMOUS POSTPONEMENTby Kamil Ali301philosophyairplaneskamiltheauthor+10 more #18MIND & GRINDby Kamil Ali701kamiltheauthorprofoundbelief+4 more #19MISTEND MINDSETby Kamil Ali301philosophymanipulatemindset+10 more #20COVERT CONVERTby Kamil Ali6511philosophykamiltheauthorcovert+9 more