Danganronpa 3 - A Hunt for the Mas...by Eren <3
As an Ultimate, Lilah finds herself thrust into the infamous killing game of Danganronpa 3, surrounded by talented Ultimates. Amidst the chaos, she forges alliances and...
The Lovers, The Dreamers, And Me |...by Fridgeifer VII
It was a very easy thing to do. Sign up for the festival (by yourself), work on your future masterpiece (by yourself), win first place (by yourself), and set a point to...
Hotel Tajikistanby
An aging businessman falls in love with the piano player at the Hotel Tajikistan.
Things Only Pianists Would Underst...by RT
Are you a piano player? Chances are, you'd relate to these things. As always, leave your suggestions in the comments!
A Strange Request at a Piano Barby Mosaic Reflections
Two friends Teodor and Tom sitting at a piano bar and discussing Teodor's ambitions.
The Mystery Pianist by Hade
24 year old Bethany McGray volunteers at a wanna be classy hotel. The only reason she does this is so she can get a chance to play the piano. Now, she knows there are cr...
The Piano Playerby Cassidy
Cynthia Johnston is obsessed with the piano - and One Direction. She imagines herself as the lead pianist for One Direction. One day she falls upon a website that sells...
Hello Cupidby SheBlushAlot
Janisha Howard the at home hairstylist
has her plate full with her baby boy
johnson and her noisy but cute pup
she calls versace.love is not on her
schedule anytime soon...