"Killing Shadow: Splinter Cell - T...by Chris1942
In this crossover between Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell franchise and the show Killing Eve, In a world where shadows blur the lines between friend and foe, former MI6 opera...
F.E.A.R and Progress: An Arcane Ni...by Chris1942
In this crossover story between the Arcane show and the F.E.A.R games, When the advanced world of Piltover and the chaotic undercity of Zaun are rocked by a series of gr...
F.E.A.R Crisis: The Origins Protoc...by Chris1942
In this crossover story between the games Cryis 2 and FEAR 2: Project Origin, When the devastating psychic presence of Alma Wade collides with the relentless alien threa...
"F.E.A.R. Effect: Echoes of the Vo...by Chris1942
In this F.E.A.R. x Mass Effect crossover, Point Man, a psychic soldier and survivor from the ruins of Fairport, is thrust into a new universe after a powerful, supernatu...
The Dark Below: A John Wick and X...by Chris1942
When a mysterious paranormal rift threatens the very fabric of reality, former FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are forced out of retirement to confront an unknown...
"Harleyverse Unleashed"by Chris1942
When the fabric of the multiverse rips apart, three iconic versions of Harley Quinn-animated Harley from the HBO TV series, the chaotic DCEU Harley Quinn, and the dark a...
"Fallout: New Vegas- The Butt-Head...by Chris1942
In this hilarious crossover between Fallout: New Vegas and Beavis and Butt-Head, Beavis and Butt-Head find themselves stranded in the desolate Mojave Wasteland, where th...
Life is F.E.A.R: Fractured Echoes...by Chris1942
In this crossover between the video games FEAR and Life is Strange. A mysterious explosion at an Armacham facility near Arcadia Bay distorts the fabric of reality, Max C...
"Empire of Lies" A Mafia 2 x L.A...by Chris1942
In a gripping crossover between Mafia 2 and L.A. Noire, Empire of Lies unites Detective Cole Phelps, a relentless investigator from Los Angeles, and Vito Scaletta, a har...
Arrow: Shadows of Justice by Chris1942
In this high-stakes crossover between show Arrow and the film Man of Steel, Oliver Queen's grounded world of vigilante justice collides with the awe-inspiring power of K...
RWBY X Meta Runner: Worlds Collideby William Aguon
The world of Remnant could not get any more dangerous. The Grimm, Faunus extremists, and criminals spread far and wide. But now, Vekk-Torr has it in his crossfire, seeki...
Universo Cinematográfico de Cartoo...by Phenomenal One
¿Qué pasaría si se formará un universo superheroico de Cartoons o de personajes animados, que tendrían sus historias y con tramas que los ubicarían en el mismo universo?
Jay's Adventures of Mulanby RoyaltyUnicorn
Jay and his friends were invited to an adventure with the adventure team known as the cosmic buddies, then they meet and help a woman named Mulan win the war to honor he...
Life is Crysis: Fractured Realitie...by Chris1942
In this crossover between Life is Strange and Crysis games. In the wake of the storm that devastated Arcadia Bay, Max Caulfield and Chloe Price discover their world is f...
Life is Strange: Caledon Rising by Chris1942
A year after the events of Double Exposure, Max Caulfield has found a fragile sense of peace at Caledon University. But her quiet life is shattered when Safiya Llewellyn...
Avengers: The Pruned Multiverse by Chris1942
In a multiverse on the brink of collapse, the TVA wages a brutal campaign to prune timelines, erasing entire worlds to preserve the Sacred Timeline. On Earth Prime, a te...
Spider-Man And Ahsokaby NaldMoney
Spider-Man meets one of his idols Ahsoka Tano the Padawan to Spider-Man's favorite Jedi Anakin Skywalker on October 23rd, 2015 a few days before the Halloween Homecoming...
Unexpected Circumstances (Endeavor...by Lillith💛🌈
They don't get along very well, but Hawks secretly looks up to him and makes every chance to be with his hero, even if it's just for a few minutes. But when there's a me...
The Amazing Spider-Man: Spiders of...by Spideyfan2024
A mini-sequel to The Amazing Spider-Man 4.
It's Christmastime in New York City, and all Peter wants is to spend time with the people he loves while finding just the righ...
Operation Ice Prince: Todoroki's H...by Chimera_Regarion
Todoroki's having a normal day until Aizawa drops a bombshell: he's the villain in the next class exercise, and guess what? He's got to take on everyone. To make things...