DISCONTINUED!!! _____________ This story follows the life of a young man named Christopher Cistrophy, better known as C-Cis or C, who joined Team Plasma and sees what really goes on inside and what their plan is to freeze the world really consists of. This story takes place right after C was found by Colress, head scientist of Team Plasma, who offered him to enter at the cost of a small experiment and becomming a test subject and getting the Grunt Number 298. ____________ It is based around the events of B2/W2 but in the perspective of the villains (Team Neo Plasma and mostly my OC C-Cis). Also, this story includes both canon and non canon characters. Along with this, the point of view will change from character to character in this story, while cannon changes a lot, so it can be seen as an alternate universe. It will get dark and gory and very violent. Take this as your first and final warning. I will NOT take the resposibillity of you being grossed out, weirded out, disdurbed, etc. I marked it as adult content for a reason. All the images used in this story are drawn by myself. _____________ Other Peoples OCs included in the story will be mentioned in the part they appeared in for the first time, as well as at the end of the story.