story, a young man named sakurai takeru had a somewhat good life. Part time job at restaurants, and he came upon his peculiar circumstances. Takeru, seeming for no reason, transforms into a powerful superhuman, agito, whenever in the presence of the being referred by the police as the "unknown or lord", a race of powerful monster that have been causing murders around tokyo targeting certain people as their prey. 2nd year middle school student tsubomi hanasaki has just moved with her family to kibougahana to live with her grandma.she is shy and introverted, but is determined to start off her school life at myoudou academy as confidently as possible.lately she has been having the same mysterious dream again and again of cure moonlight defeat at the great heart tree. she wonders what it all means. then suddenly,two fairies from tbe dream appear to her and before she knows it, she is transformed in the legandary pretty cure cure blossom! later joined by her high energy classmate and new friend erika kurumi as cure marine the two girl vow work hard to protect everyone heart flowers from the gang the desert messenger. another trouble lord, g3 and agito work together whether they should join up and defeat the unknowns, or to combat each other,keeping the mysteries that entwine them separate. some day the kamen rider and the precures might work together to fight their own enemies to the world.
48 parts