This is a story where a middle-class boy named Jeon Jungkook finds the playboy being attracted by him. The famous boy belonging from a famous family of South Korea, Kim Taehyung, a playboy, but of course, not a fuckboy who will always find a new prey to do it with. Their families are a whole thing of old fashioned thinkers who always keeps in their minds that gay and lesbians are a disgrace to the earth and that they are a peice of shits. But, what if, their sons are against their thinking and..... Not going to tell you the whole story, LOL! I'll update whenever I can, promise! ______ If you don't like DON'T READ. It's just a fictional story, NOTHING IS RELATED TO ANY OF THE CHARACTERS IN REAL LIFE (Except the characters I made myself, of course) LEAVE IF YOU ARE A HATER, LISKOOK, JENTAE, JIMROSÈ, JINSOO, OR OF ANY OTHER KINDS OF SHIPS, SHIPPER. Or... Take this... 🖕