Having a romantic relationship with someone is always a blessing- but when a monkey wrench gets thrown in the middle of it- Rick Grimes will have to adapt to his new world. What more is he will have to get used to his new relationship with his mysterious friend, Daryl Dixon. With the idea brought to you by @buffygurl077, we follow the Rickyl relationship to a new stage in there relationship- BUT WAIT- after a divorce from his wife, Rick must hire a babysitter to take care of his dear child. Only to find out that his relationship with Daryl and Beth might lead them down a road that no TWD shipper has ever seen! Attention: All characters are owned by AMC's the Walking Dead! Disclaimer: @buffygurl077 is the rightful owner of the plot for "What Happened to Normal". I, @BethylTWDFan43 am just the writer of the story and have contributed the "guts" to Buffygurl's outline. Caution: Adult Content!