So i write things :p Follow me ;D
  • Nowhere near you
  • انضمMarch 2, 2015


قصص بقلم Dear reader, I'm,
Hotter than Hell بقلم Thatoneinsanechick
Hotter than Hell
They went by many names. The Light, and The Dark. Rey and Kylo - But on days that he's feeling generous, Rey...
RM X Reader Lemon بقلم Thatoneinsanechick
RM X Reader Lemon
"The nervous game." He says. You pause and look at him quizzically. Normally he would ask you to pl...
You cant fix a broken Heart, Only fill the Void بقلم Thatoneinsanechick
You cant fix a broken Heart, Only...
Laying there in silence with her, he finally figured it out. He wasn't sure why it took him so long to see th...
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