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Author's Note: Sorry for not updating as much :( I've been on an emotional roller coaster ride with the recent MHA manga chapters I'm reading. So I would like to make it up by showing you a random doodle I did and colored.
He needs a name! What should it be?

Again, thank you for reading this story. I did not think so many would read it, and I love reading the comments. Ya'll are funny lmao. <3

aizawa's pov

Eri explained to the three how awful she's felt, and apologized to each of them. Obviously that shitty situation was not any of their faults, but such heavy emotions burdened their shoulders.

Miki seemed a lot better though. Apparently Chisaki tried to kill Miki, because of the hatred he had for his sister. To think Miki had brothers and sisters... Authorities explained to me that it is best not to let her know yet, until she is older. Including telling Eri about Sir's death.

I sighed as the conversation switched to talking about the school festival we were going to have soon. I looked down at Miki, her tail swished excitedly as she listened to what kind of events were to take place.

I'm so glad she's with me again.. She's been kind of distant when she woke up, but seems back to normal ever since meeting with Eri. They've been getting along so well.

Bringing Eri and Miki to the dorms, Miki sniffed around the new smells, holding Eri's hand. "What are you doing?" Eri asked, trying to keep up with the curious neko.

"I can smell everyone here.. How come?" Miki asks, now smelling the couches. "Everyone is temporarily living together, remember we discussed this?" I asked, wondering if her brain is still foggy from the incident. Recovery girl did mention her memory would not be so great for a while.

"Oh! Everyone!? Really!" Miki smiled, holding Eri's hand tighter. Eri awkwardly stared up at Miki, not sure why she was so excited. Miki finally let go of Eri, who immediately ran back next to me. I guided them to the teacher lounge, where they both will be staying with me. Miki ran into my room excitedly and ran around.

Eri held onto me tighter, amazed at all the energy Miki had, especially just being released from the hospital.

"Yoko!! Yoko I'm back! Did you miss me? Huh! Did you miss me??"

Oh no....

"I bet you did! You were worried, huh? Come out!" Miki laughed, getting on her knees to look under the bed. My heart shattered.

I completely forgot to tell her..

"hm?" She pondered and sniffed around. "Dad, where's Yoko? Where is he?"

"Uhm.. Miki..Wait here"

I ushered Eri out and asked Togata to watch her for me, and show her to where she will be staying. When I came back into the room, Miki was sitting on the bed, still looking around for any trace of Yoko.


She sat up straight and smiled, patting down next to her. I sat down hesitantly, and pulled her onto my lap. How do I even start..?

"Miki.. You know Yoko was really, really old.."

Miki nodded, a smirk stretching her lips, as she flicked her ears. "Oh yeah, he was. So grumpy"

"And.. he was started to get weaker, as he aged. And one day.. He was really tired.." I continued. Her confused smile seemed to drop.


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