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y/n pov

"Something doesn't seem right.." I whined, gripping onto Midoriya's shirt. My ears perked up trying to catch any sounds other than the screams from the students in the forest. Midoriya patted my back in reassurance and guided me to Pixie-Bob.

"Hey Kitten! You ready? You guys are up next" She smiled. "Ms. Pixie-"

Her head snapped up as she sniffed the breeze that suddenly blew by. "Hmm.. something smells like its burning" She pondered out loud. I nodded my head in agreement, finally placing what kind of smell that was. "Yeah!"

I turned to glance at Izuku but a dim blue light caught my eye in the distance. "What's that?" I asked Izuku, who was already looking at what I was referring to. "Something's on fire.. but that doesn't seem like anyone's quirk that I know" He shakily admitted and pulled me backwards to get behind him.

Besides the fire, I can also smell something faint, if I focused hard enough. But I was too focused on the fire as the light started to get bigger. Suddenly Ms.Pixie-Bob started to rise off the ground and fly backwards. A tall man with big lips slammed her onto the ground with a big pole digging into her skull.


"How are you this evening, U.A. High school?" A lizard man walked out of the forest, next to the man that hurt Pixie-Bob, smiling wickedly. His mask over his eyes intimidated me, as I can feel my urge to shift rise.

"Villains!" Midoriya gasped and stood firm in front of me, watching the two villains in front of us. I watched in horror as Pixie-Bob's head bled out a dangerous amount. My thread to stay calm snapped, as I poofed into my kitten form. Before Midoriya could noticed, I dashed away into the shadows.

I wasn't focused on where I was going, I was too scared. It felt as if my heart could fall out of my throat if I coughed hard enough. Oh, no... Oh no! I panicked, now running through the forest. My black fur blended into the shadows, hiding me from a few students I ran by.

This is like when Dad got hurt by those villains at the school-

Wait a minute. I skidded to a stop and forced myself to look back.


aizawa's pov

Through Mandalay's quirk, we were informed of the sudden ambush of villains in the area. FUCK. I ran through the halls, leaving the students to Vlad.

Why now?? What the hell do they went? Is it the league again? Dammit, Miki! She's over there!

I busted through the entrance doors, my eyes immediately on the illuminated blue light, surrounded by black smoke. "Thats not goo-"

"Letting worry get ahead of you, Eraser?"

I turned just in time to spot a villain with his hand aimed at my face, dodging the explosion of blue fire. The heat burned my eyes, there's no way I'll be able to erase his quirk in time. I used my capture weapon to pull myself out of the way, barely dodging the flames.

"Wow.. you really are a pro" The villain mumbled at raised his fist at me. "Not so fast" I growled, erasing his quirk. He looks at his hand, distracting himself as I wrapped him in my scarf, kneeing him in the face. I pinned him to the ground, as I demanded to know why they were here.

"Why, eraser? Worried about your daughter? Don't worry about that kitten, I'll take very good care of her" He chuckled, but groaned as I snapped his wrist.

"Is she who you're after?"

"Well.. she's not the only one we want.." He mumbled to to himself, slowing turning into a mud-like substance. "Was that not his quirk??" I wondered, reassuring myself that I an still using my quirk on him. Once he was gone, my heart began to panic. "Fuck!!" I screamed in frustration, making my way back to Vlad to let him know the motive.

I hope to God, please! Miki better not be stubborn and think she can fight these bastards!! I need to go find her!

Y/n pov

I saw a magician guy absorb Tokoyami and Bakugou in mini marbles quietly from the shadows as a broken Midoriya was held to Shoji's back. No!! No!!

I was running back to where Dad was, but now I can't. Bakugou was snatched literally out of thin air and no one has noticed! What do I do?? What do I do!! What-

"Hey kitty kitty, are you lost?"

I jumped high in the air in fright, turning around ready to attack whoever was talking. A tall man with dark scars covering his face crouched down, leaning his hand gently towards me. I backed away, knowing I've never seen him. He's not a teacher, or a student... He must be with the man that took Bakugou and Tokoyami.

"What, you a scaredy-cat?~" He laughed. I flinched uncomfortably. Is he taunting me? I crept slowly backwards, still eying the man. Should I ru-

Suddenly I was yanked backwards by my tail, and into what seemed a metal cage. "I got it!!" A girl squealed and shook the cage violently. I hissed and clawed trying to escape. Let me out!!

I stopped struggling and froze in fear, as the blonde girl that captured me peered into the cage, smiling wickedly. "Hey kitten!~ You're who we're here for right? Right!"

"This better not be some stray" The man mumbled to himself, pushing the girl out of the way and lifted the cage walking into the forest. Daddy!!

"Ima go check on Compress~" The girl giggled before her foot steps can be heard skipping off. "Let's go, kitty. Someone wants to meet you" The man lifted the cage up higher so he can see me. I fearfully stared into his icy eyes, that lazily stared back. I couldn't tell, because of the scars of his face, but it looked like he was smiling? Almost wanting to laugh at me.

The cage was wayy too small for me to transform into my human form and at least try to fight the guy. Dammit!!

"Kurogiri, open up! I got one" He called out into the forest and waited patiently. Suddenly a familiar misty fog appeared in front of the man. W-Wait... That's from-

The man stepped inside the mist without hesitation and walked through the opening, into a dimly lit room. The smell was suffocating, like cigarettes and alcohol. The man set me down, kicking it slightly to push me further into a corner of the room.

"Hey, you ugly piece of shit. Is this what you wanted?" The man asked with his gruffy voice at a man that I hadn't notice yet, sitting at a counter. I saw only his back, and fairly long blue tinted hair.

He turned around slowly, and my heart could flatline with how fast it was beating. Sitting in front of me, was the man that had the severed hand on his face. Flashbacks from the USJ attack flashed in my head.

How that man hurt Daddy... How he grabbed me... How he yelled at me angrily.... That's the same guy!! Right?? Right??

He stepped down from his stool and walked to me, picking up the cage and bringing it back to where he was sitting. I couldn't help but accidentally pee on myself in fear. My warm urine drenching my hind paws as I stared into dark red eyes behind the hand.

I shivered and flinched when he spoke. "So gross.. Did you just piss yourself?"

I stayed as far away from the opening of the cage as I could, hoping he wouldn't open it and try to grab me. He sighed and jiggled with the lock that locked me inside the cage. I whined when the cage door creaked open, him peering inside once again.

"We'll just have to clean you up.."

I know I haven't posted, sorries. I am sicky with the covid :( who woulda thunk..

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