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y/n pov
*reminder, shigaraki has injected y/n with serum before she ran. so her mind is blank again*




What's that sound? I can feel things on my face, and in my nose. I twitched my ear, trying to listen closer to the sounds.



Hm.. Why can't I see? Where am I?

aizawa pov

"You need to sleep, man.." Mic persisted as I rubbed my stinging eyes. I'm exhausted, but I can't. She will wake up. Mic grabbed my shoulder, just for me to shrug it off.

"Stop" I mumble. "She's gonna wake up, just watch"

"I know, but it's been a couple of days. I'll stay right here for you, I will not move. You gotta get some rest" I sighed and rubbed my face. I glanced at the hospital bed that held my girl.

She hasn't moved.. Normally she would give a small twitch or sign. "you... you won't leave?" I hesitantly gave in.

"Even if I gotta take a shit" Mic replied stoically, and patted my back. I shook my head, he's such a dumbass.

There was a small knock on the door, and Eri ran in. "Eri! What are you doing, where's Togata?" I asked, getting up and walking over to her. She rushed passed me and to the hospital bed where Y/n was. Then Togata rushed in, panting out of breath.

"Wow! Someone that tiny sure is fast" He gasped, and bowed slightly. "I'm sorry, she was in a rush to see you and ran as soon as we checked in" He apologized.

I looked at Eri who was steadying herself on the chair I was sitting on to get a better look at Y/n. "I'm sure she was not hurrying to see me" I chuckled and stumbled a bit. Mic caught me and lead me to the small couch on the far side of the room.

I laid down and almost immediately fell asleep, not before mumbling to Mic. "Don't forget, the papers are going to come today or tomorrow-"

"I know, I know. Get some rest"

y/n pov

"Wake up Y/n!" I can hear a soft voice whisper in my ear. It tickled, I shook my ear to shake the odd breeze away. "Look! She's moving" The small voice whispered again.

Wow.. Sounds so soft. Like an angel. I smiled and tried to turn my head to the noise. But my a painful throb began to surge through my head. I winced and groaned. Owieeee Owie!!!!

"Ugghhh" I squeaked, my throat was extremely dry. "Hey, Hey! Hey man wake up, she's moving!"

I can hear frantic movements around me. "Y/n"


"Open your eyes"

I tried to pry my eyes open but its so bright, it hurts. "Yeah, that's right. Please look at me" A deep voice whispered. I can feel a hand run through my hair, gently caressing my ears.

"Mm?" I tried to speak, but it just hurts to much. Where am I?

I forced my eyes open, squinting at the bright light above me. I can see silhouettes of people staring back down at me. "...h-hello?" I croaked, trying to reach up at the shadows.

A high pitched ringing deafened my ears, as I shut my eyes closed again. "Oww" I groaned and I can hear drowned out yells for a Doctor or something.

Good Kitty * Aizawa x Daughter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now