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Not the cleanest, but I doodled my favorite part I wrote in this book. Can you guess which it is? lollll    (this is what I think Miki would look like in my head, obvi that's not her, cause she's Y/N.) should I do a detailed sketch what I think Miki would look like? Human and cat form? Sounds cool to do idk

no one's pov

Y/n twisted around, her neck extremely sore. "Ow Ow Ow!!!!" She hissed, gently grabbing the sore flesh, and caressing it. Shigaraki turned from the bar stool and smiled softly. "Oh, you're awake, Y/n"

Y/n gasped and looked up, seeing a light blue haired man staring at her. Where am I? Y/n tried to think, but nothing was coming to her head. "Y/n?" She croaked out, confused. She grabbed her throat from the pain, and swallowed.

"That's you're name" Shigaraki sighed almost relieved that the serum seems to be working. He poured Y/n a glass of water and handed it to her. She grabbed it cautiously, and eyed the cloudy water. But not knowing any better, gulped it down, feeling relieved as the scratchy dryness seemed to wash away.

"Thank you.." She whispered, handing Shigaraki back the glass. He shrugged and sat next to her, taking back the glass. "Where am I?"



Y/n mind flashed a image of an unknown man, with a scruffy beard and long black hair. She shook her head, wondering what that was. "Home..? Who are you?"

"How could you not remember me? Man, you musta' fell hard out there!" Shigaraki proclaimed, obviously lying. Y/n tilted her head, and looked around. "I fell down?"

"Yeah, your neck must be killing you! You've been asleep for days, I was so worried about you" He sighed, running his hand through his hair worriedly. Y/n pouted and grabbed his shoulder gently.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you.. B-But.. I can't remember anything. I'm so sorry! Who, Who are you again??" Y/n asked, almost afraid to. He seemed so worried about her, he must be someone important!

"Shigaraki! We're best friends!!" He exclaimed sadly, gripping her shoulders, trying to play the part. He rehearsed and studied drama movies to be more convincing in training her to trust him. And it seems to be working.

Y/n teared up, she can't remember a thing. And this man seems so worried for her. "I-I'm sorry, I can't-" She sobbed, gripping his arms back apologetically. Shigaraki sighed and lowered his head, pulling Y/n close in his arms. "I'll just have to make you remember" He sighed, grimacing at how dramatic this whole thing was, but was kind of proud of himself for acting so perfectly.

Dabi walked into the bar, shaking his head at the two holding each other. He blew air out of his mouth and ignored the whole ordeal, walking down the hall into his own room. "Who was that?"

"He's part of our group.. You don't remember Dabi either?"

Y/n saw an image of Shigaraki's face, but his expression was not the gentle concerned face he was displaying right now. It was mean, and scary. His eyes were dark, and seemed to pierce her soul. Y/n gasped and jumped back a bit. What was that?

"I..I don't remember.. group?"

"Well, maybe you should rest. Here, it's some medicine the doctor told me to give you everyday" Shigaraki spoke softly, taking out the box of the serum. He noticed Y/n getting anxious, and caught a glimpse of the fearful look she gave him. He decided to inject her now, before she starts to remember more and make things worse.

He couldn't believe how strong the serum was, and how much she's forgotten in one single night!

Y/n nodded, thinking she should probably trust this man. He said He was her best friend, and she's so thankful he's helping her. "Shigaraki.. I'm kinda hungry" She whispered, looking away from the needle that pierced her arm.

"I'll get you something to eat, don't you worry" He mumbled, concentrating on not breaking the needle in his hands with his quirk. Y/n sighed and flinched, feeling the 'medicine' shoot into her bloodstream. It stung a bit.

She looked down as Shigaraki placed a bandaid, noticing her fingers. What..? Her mind flashed another image, this time a blonde girl, who smiled and waved a knife. Wait...

"Shigaraki, there was a girl. I remember, she was really really scary. I think she hurt me" Y/n explained, grabbing onto his sleeve before he could walk away. He cocked an eyebrow and tilted his head questioningly.

"Hurt you how?"

"I-I don't remember.."

Shigaraki sighed and thought a bit. Maybe I should have a talk with them, especially Toga. Just as a precaution, in case the serum won't take full effect. But Doc said after a week of doses, she should be fine.

"Did she have blonde hair?"

Y/n gasped and nodded frantically, holding onto him tighter. "Yes, Yes! We have to leave, she's really dangerous. She might hurt us!!"


"Oh is she awake? Hey kitten! Wanna play?" Toga smiled, skipping into the room. Y/n jumped, screaming in fear. Suddenly images of the man with long black hair flashed through her mind, like a mini movie. Almost slow motion like, and a bunch of people! A pink girl with black and yellow eyes, a short girl with a frog like tongue, a tall boy with spiked blonde hair... (etc)


Shigaraki grabbed into Y/n unsure how to comfort a scared girl. "Y/n, Y/n! It's fine, that's just Toga!" He explained, noticing a strange black smoke surrounding the girl.

"No! No, that's-"

She grabbed Shigaraki, looking into his eyes for comfort, when instead a flashback of his face shot through her head. A flashback of the sadistic smile on his face. She remembers feeling the sensation of drowning, he tried to kill me!!!

"No!!" She screamed, meaning to punch him away, but accidentally shifted from stress, scratching a wound deep into his face. He jumped back in pain, grabbing his face.

Y/n, now in her cat form, survival instincts kicked in, as she ran out the door Dabi left propped open. "Fuck! No!, Dammit!" Shigaraki cursed, wanting to stop her, but couldn't concentrate because the scratches that tore threw his sensitive skin burn and stung like hell.

Dabi strutted out the in hallway, a smirk on his face. Y/n was gone, and the man child was throwing a tantrum trying to relieve his face from pain. "I don't know why you tried to be friends with a fuckin' cat. Ya' gotta train an animal to obey you" He laughed, scooting the towel Shigaraki was frantically searching for closer to him.

Blood dripped down his face, getting into his mouth and he clenched his fists. "C'mere Kitten!" Toga cooed, running after Y/n in the dark.

"Alright, smartass. Let's try it your way"

Good Kitty * Aizawa x Daughter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now