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no ones pov

The poor kitten was yanked out by the ruthless man, grimacing at the urine that started to drip into his hands. "Ew, Fuck!" He gagged and rushed down a hall, slamming open the door and throwing the kitten. Y/n hissed in pain as she slammed into a wall and slid into a bathtub.

Shigaraki angrily washed his hands aggressively in the sink, cursing a hell storm as he scrubbed himself raw. "Fucking disgusting.. What the hell is wrong with you" He growled, rewashing his hands over and over. Y/n shook in fear, not knowing if she should run out of the bathroom door, or stay put.

Finally feeling better, Shigaraki slammed the door shut, as soon as Y/n decided to take a run for it. "Where the fuck do you think you're going" He spat, kicking the cat back towards the tub. Y/n yowled in pain, and scurried behind the grimy toilet to hide from the man.

He scoffed and plugged up the drain, sitting at the edge of the tub and watched it fill up. What is he doing?? What does he want?? Y/n thought, scared for her life. How did this happen? One second, she was having the time of her life, training for her future to make Aizawa proud. And in less that an hour, she's become captured and taken away from everyone, not even able to fight back.

What was the point in training, I didn't even try to fight back! While Y/n was busy scolding herself for her failures, she hadn't noticed Shigaraki had finished filling the tub and was reaching for the distracted kitten.

He hesitantly reached to grab her, worrying if his assumption was wrong and she'll really decay in his hands. His finger brushed along her long silky fur behind her ear, as she jumped from the sudden contact. Y/n flinched but determined she would get out of here, and swiped at his hand, slicing into his knuckles.

"Ow! Dammit" He yelled and harshly gripped Y/n by the neck and threw her in the tub. Y/n mentally screamed as she sunk into the scorching hot water, scrambling to jump out. HOTTTT HOT HOT HOT!!!!

"Turn into a human, now!!" He screamed and dunked her under again. Before Y/n could gasp for breath, instead she swallowed water as she was forced under the hot water. She tried jumping out, just to be shoved back in.

"Change, Dammit!!"

Once Shigaraki noticed she started to get weaker, and not fight back as much, he held her with a tight grip, and lifter her head out of the water. The cat coughed and yowled in fear. Her eyes darting around anxiously.

"Turn into your human form now, or I'll kill you" He deadpanned, eyes glued on the suffering kitten. He was secretly enjoying himself, not used to the struggle it took to almost kill her. Usually he just touched someone and within seconds, they are a pile of dust before him. The new adrenaline this was giving him, was an experience he didn't mind having with the frightened kitten.

But this particular cat-human hybrid interested him. He first wanted to learn what exactly her quirk was, and see if she would be useful to him before immediately deciding to take her life.

A knock came from the bathroom door, a voice speaking up, distracting him. "Shigaraki, we got the boy. He's unconscious right now, how should we tie him up?"

"In a minute Kurogiri.. I'm busy" He called back, not taking his eyes off the kitten who's eyes were slowly closing.

Y/n figured there was no choice in this. She began to force her body to shift, no matter how scared she was. The man flinched slightly at the sudden smoke that surrounded the room, feeling the odd movement of the girl shifting underneath his palms.

The smoke cleared, and there sat in the tub a wet girl, face red from the heat of the water that burned her sensitive skin. Tears streamed down her face, his hands still gripping her neck.

He stumbled over his words, noticing this girl was slightly developed. Did she age that fast that last time I saw her. It hasn't even been a few months..

She covered herself with her arms, uncomfortable with his wandering eyes. He pressed his fingers harder on her neck, focusing his quirk. He removed them and analyzed her neck. So sign of decay whatsoever, just red marks forming from how hard he's been grabbing her.

He stood and through a bottle of shampoo from the edge of the sink at the girl and walk towards the door. "Wash up, we have a lot of work to do" He stated, not even sparing another glance, and walking out of the wash room.

Y/n stared down at the bottle in her hands, the steam from the water making her feel stuffy and incredibly sweaty. She cried harder, slamming her hands to her face so she wouldn't make any noise to attract the mean man back into the restroom.

"I-I'm sorry, Daddy.. What do I do?? What would you do in this situation??" She cried to herself, proceeding to wash herself from the mess she made in the cage. I'm sorry Daddy.. I'm sorry!!

Short chapter, than I normally write, I know. Sorry.

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