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no one's pov

"Yeah! And Mr. Deku and Lemillion taught me how to make them! They're so sweet and yummy!" Eri exclaimed, before taking a big bite of her own candy apple.

Y/n smiled and nodded, placing her own candy apple back in the container and setting it aside. It was a bit too sweet for her liking, but she loved how giddy it made Eri.

"What did I say about eating all those sweets?" Aizawa scolded, sliding the door open. Togata and Midoriya popped in their heads behind him. "Eri~ It was supposed to be a secret!" Togata whisper-yelled.

Eri slumped her shoulders, and smiled apologetically climbing off the hospital bed. "I'll come back tomorrow, I promise (special nickname)!" Eri cheered, trying to run around Aizawa with the candy apples behind her back so he wouldn't snatch it away.

He shook his head and watched the three run away before he could scold them more.

"How you doin', sweetie?" Aizawa whispered, his eyes on Y/n as he fully stepped into the room. Y/n smiled and patted the bed next to her. "I feel better.. Why won't they let me go home?"

Aizawa sighed and sat next to Y/n, a big orange envelope with documents in his hands. "Well.. There's some things we have to do before you can" Y/n tilted her head questioningly.

"Miki I'm really sorry all this happened to you.. You've been through so much. I can't even begin to-"

Y/n shook her head and leaned against his shoulder. "Dad, don't worry about it.. I just want to come home. Everything is still so fuzzy. I want to go and visit anything familiar.. Regain my bearings"

She grabbed the candy apple and handed it to him. "Besides.. If Eri makes all this yummy food, how could I resist??" Y/n giggled sarcastically, laughing at Aizawa's tongue sticking out in disgust.

"When Eri offers to make dinner, I can feel myself get closer and closer to diabetes" He laughed and placed the candy apple back into the container.

"She loves sugar.. I guess that's why she's so sweet" He sighed and ruffled her ears. Y/n nodded in agreement, purring softly. She tapped the envelope in his hands. "What's this?"

"This... is your ticket home with me"

Y/n widened her eyes. Do I really get to go home now??

"That is... if you'll have me.." He continued awkwardly, and placed the envelope in her lap. Y/n glanced at Aizawa before opening it, slowly pulling out the packet inside.


Y/n read over the papers, seeing that they were half filled out on Aizawa's part. He.. wants to adopt me?

"Uhm.. I explained our situation to the hospital when they asked to sign discharge papers..and they were forced to report me.. So there are some fees I have to pay and go to court for because I basically illegally raised a child without filing for any guardianship or- stuff..?" He explained, not looking directly at her.

Y/n gasped, but before she could say anything he continued.

"Don't worry, it's nothing big. They know it was a misunderstanding how I found you as a kitten. But once I knew you were human I should have reported it and done all I could to... well, you know..." He scratched the back of his neck timidly, stealing glances at the confused girl.

"W-What I'm saying is.... uhm... well-"

"So this will make you my Dad.. officially?"

Good Kitty * Aizawa x Daughter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now