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Sky's pov:


After that announcement wolves were running into the room, taking anyone they could get to down.

"Get the children and anyone who can't fight out of here!" Hunter tells everyone, through the pack link, as it's too noisy to hear properly in the room.

I try and help, but I've found out since getting pregnant I can't use my powers, as well as I, used to be able to. I turn around trying to search for my family and friends and see Chloe picking Ella up while Trevor picks up Amelia and then they both run out of the room, towards the safe room. I also spot Jacob helping Abigal towards the safe room and I start to relax slightly, knowing the ones who can't protect themselves as well are safe now.

However, I spot a wolf, who isn't part of our pack, sneak up behind Jacob and Abigal. I focus my powers and am able to create a big gust of wind, which pushes the wolf away from them. I thought using wind would be the safest to use and easiest, but when I stop I feel this pain in the side of my stomach and start to feel sick.

I stumble slightly, but I see the wolf also getting up again so I get ready to do it again. Luckily Zoe and Callum get there on time and get rid of the wolf. Zoe then helps Abigal and Jacob towards the safe room, with Callum protecting them.

Soon all the children have been taken away and everyone that's left are all the people able to fight for our pack, but these rogues keep coming. I see my pack all around me, protecting me, and I want to help, but my body is feeling weak and I'm struggling to even stand up by my self.

I start to look for Hunter and spot him in his lycan form and wow, he is gorgeous. If it wasn't for him, our pack would be gone.

Suddenly, it went quiet and in walked a man. I had no idea who he was, but Star did.

'It's HIM.' She tells me.

'Hunter, it's HIM. The one Star was telling us about.' I tell him through our mate link.

Hunter turns towards me and the next thing I knew was that he is right beside me, shielding me from this man's sight. I placed my hand on his back, trying to calm the both of us down, so neither one of us acts before thinking.

"Hello, mate." The man says, trying to look at me from behind Hunter while walking towards us.

Hunter growls and tries to hide me even more behind his back, but that man was still able to see me. The evil grin on his face tells me that.

"Come on out so we can talk, or the rest of this, so-called pack, will end up dead." The man says.

I place my head on Hunters, or should I say Xanders, back. I can tell Xander is more in control at the moment by the sound of his growls. I then take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves and then step out from behind my mate to face this crazy psyco.

"Ahh, there you are. Still as beautiful as ever I see." He was, making me feel sick. The only person I want to compliment me like that is my mate.

"What do you want?" I ask and all he does is laugh.

"Well, isn't it obvious?" He says, "I want you."

"And if I don't want you?" I ask in response.

"Well then, say goodbye to this pack of yours." He says, losing his smile and I see an evil glint in his eyes, telling me that he has something else planned if I keep refusing.

I look into my mates eyes and see anger, but I also see that he's worried and scared. He has no idea what this crazy guy can do either and we can't protect everyone. I know what I have to do now.

"So if I leave with you, will you stop the attack on my pack and not harm anyone else?" I ask, hoping no one else will die today.

Hunter, who has taken control again, growls loudly to show his disagreement but also sends me a message through our mate link.

"Please don't do what I think you are going to do."

"Trust me, like how I trust you to find me and bring me back home." I tell him.

"Okay. If you come with me now and don't fight or run away and no one tries to attack us on our way out, I will make sure this pack doesn't get hurt any more than they already have. This crazy psycho tells me, ordering the wolves he brought to stop attacking and move back towards him.

"Fine, then I will leave with you, but if I find out anyone else is harmed, for no reason, you will regret it." I say and he nods, agreeing with me.

I turn towards Hunter one last time and give him a small smile.

"I will find you and bring you home, I promise." He tells me.

"You better." I say back to him.

I then walk towards this psycho and we leave together and he does as says and no one else gets hurt, which I'm surprised but so glad about.

As I step out of the pack grounds I realise that Hunter never got to open his present, so he doesn't know that I'm pregnant.

'Maybe it was for the best' was my last thought before getting hit on the back of my head and everything goes black.


Let me know what you think.


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