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Hunter's pov:

It's been a week since I last saw my mate... It's been a week since she left to save our pack...

If only j was stronger. If only I acted quicker, maybe things would be different now.

I've sent warriors and trackers to follow her scent. I couldn't leave, no matter how much I wanted to because I had to make sure the injured pack members got the help they needed and the pack members that passes away needed to have a ceremony and be buried.

It's my job as alpha.

But in that moment of time I didn't want to be an alpha, I just wanted to be a lycan searching for my mate and I wouldn't stop until she was in my arms safe and sound again.

I haven't heard back from any of my warriors or trackers yet and it's killing me.

I look up from my desk and look at the gifts that neither one of us was able to open that day. I go up to my gist for Sky and open the box once again like I do every day now. I pick up the book and flip to the first page and read what it says.

"Our Story.....So Far."

As I continue to flip through the pages I get reminded of the memories I've shared with her.

The first day I met her, when she brought Amelia back home with Jacob, it seemed Chloe and Trevor took some pictures without me knowing. In one picture Sky is blushing and if I remember correctly it was because Jacob was teasing her about the crush she had on me.

And in another picture Sky was looking a bit jealous, if I do say so myself, when Chloe was giving me a hug goodbye and then there is a picture right next to it with her once again blushing.

I flip to the next page and see both of us asleep, but Sky is on the bed and I am on the floor. This was the first night Sky stayed in our room. She was wearing my top and boxers, while I only wore my boxers. To be fair, I didn't think anyone was going to walk into our room, but I guess Amelia had a nightmare and came to look for me, but instead took my phone and decided to take a picture of us.

I could tell it was Amelia because of the height the picture was taken from. What I love most about this picture is that in our sleep we moved, so Skys hand is hanging off the side of the bed and my hand moved to beside my head, right below Skys hand. I love it.

As I continue to flip through the pages, I stop on the one where me and Sky are standing in front of our pack, telling everyone that we are mates. Well, I should say confirm we are mates as everyone in the pack already know really, that's why they took so many pictures of us together.

I flip through the pages again and stop once I see the pictures of us at Jacob and Abigals wedding. We are dancing and in some pictures, you can see me holding Skys face as I kiss her and in others, you can see her blush and you can see her trying to hide it, by placing her face in my neck as I hold her close in another.

This was when we were talking about marriage and future pups and then Sky told me she loved me so seriously and I became speechless so I just kissed her.

I flip through more pages and stop on a picture of us when I was proposing to Sky in the woods. It was the spot where we first met and I wanted to make it special and I'm so glad she said yes.

I guess one of the pack members who helped set everything up stayed behind to take some pictures for us. I wish I could thank them for taking our picture but most of the time they are in envelopes posted through the letterbox, or wrapped up and put in boxes, left outside our front door.

I still can't believe how full this book is already and I haven't even finished going through it yet.

There are some random pictures of us that I'm guessing our friends took, like when we are sitting on the sofa and watching movies together, or when w stop whatever we were doing and just look at each other, showing the love that we have for each other in our eyes.

There are also some pictures of us partying at Jacob and Abigail's gender reveal and I love how happy Sky looks in them.

At the end of all the pictures in the book, I take out the pictures I got printed out and start to place them in the book. They are the pictures of our wedding and there is quite a few, some from our photographer, some from our friends and some from random pack members that took amazing photos that capture the beautiful moments of that day.

My favourite ones are when Sky is walking down the aisle and someone took a picture from behind Sky so you can see how I look at her and how much I love her and then you have our photographers photos of how Sky looks at me as she walks down the aisle and I can never forget how much love I see w
in her eyes.

I feel my eyes water as I place the last photo in the book and relive the moments I had with her before she was taken and realise that the book is now full. I then place my other present in the back of the book.

It is a key. A key to our future forever home. I designed a home for us and maybe for a few pups if Sky wanted them as well. I placed the key in an envelope with a note with a message on it saying, "The place to make new memories in."

I really wish I could be in that house at the moment with Sky by my side and us spending all our time doing whatever we wanted to do just because we could do that. But then I'm brought back to reality by the blinding pain I feel in my neck, where Sky's mark is on me.

The pain is so intense I couldn't stop me from screaming. I feel people running into the room trying to figure out what's wrong with me. I feel them pick me and bring me to the pack hospital. They place me on the bed and start to run tests. The pain starts to fade but my neck is still throbbing so I pull of Callum's sleeve and point to my neck and the look on his face scares me and soon realise why.

I felt the bond break.

My mark is gone, which could only mean that she's gone. But it can't be, I still have to find her. I have to bring her home. I can tell when everyone can feel what I feel when the bond completely disappears, destroying her link to the pack as well.

"No." I whisper, not believing it. "She's not gone."

"I'm so sorry, Alpha." Callum says, as he tells everyone to leave and give me space.

"She's not gone." I tell myself. "She can't be gone, not yet. We still have so much we need to do together."

I sit there for a long time, trying to find even the slightest bit of our mate link and find nothing until...

'Did you feel that?' I ask Xander.

'Yeah, I felt it.' Xander responds with.

'It felt different from Sky and Star, but it felt the same some how. Do you know why?' I ask him.

'No, but we can find out when we bring our mate home.' Xander tells me and I nod my head, agreeing with him.

"Don't worry Sky, I will find you." I try to send a message through the mate link, not really caring if it gets through to her or not as I know I'm not going to stop looking for her until she is safe and sound in my arms.


Merry Christmas everyone and have a lovely new year. Remember to stay safe.

Let me know what you think.


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