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Sky's pov:

After hearing from Star and letting her have her time, it's now the afternoon, and we start to head back to the pack house for some food as there is no food in our home yet. We will definitely have to go shopping soon, and maybe get some toys for Rosabella as well.

When we get to the pack house, it's quieter than usual, but I ignore that for now as I'm too hungry to care. After we had both fed ourselves and Rosabella, we changed her, and I let Hunter put her into her new baby grow that I got him. It's slightly too big for her, but it is perfect.

As he was changing Rosabella, I started to notice that there was no other noise in the house and started to find it weird.

"Hey. Where is everyone?" I ask Hunter, hoping he knew.

"They are all waiting for us." He tells me.


"Because they want to meet Rosabella as well."

I feel so stupid. How could I forget that we were meant to introduce our daughter to the pack today.

We walk out of the house, towards the field where I start to hear people talking. When people start to notice us, the noise dies down until everyone is standing in silence. We walk up to the stage, and I notice our closest friends and family members in the front row.

"Hello, everyone. Thank you all for waiting for us. I was being a bit selfish this morning, but I just wanted to spend some time with my mate and daughter and no one else." Hunter tells the crowd.

I hear pack members shouting, "it's okay, Alpha," and "we understand, Alpha" repeatedly and a few other things, but I just know that they don't blame us for the late introduction.

"Thank you. Well, I guess it's time then." Hunters says before turning to me and pushing me slightly more forward so the crowd can see me and Rosabella better.

"Everyone, I would like to introduce to you my mate Sky Knight and our daughter and your future Alpha Rosabella Knight."

As soon as Hunter finished speaking, cheering and laughter were all you could hear as the pack celebrates me being home and our daughters birth.

"This isn't the end of the surprises." Hunter whispers in my ear.

"What?" I ask, surprised by how much I'm being spoiled today.

"Is everyone ready to party?" Hunter yells to the crowd, and the cheering and howls get even louder.

"Party?!" I get even more confused as to what is going on.

"Yeah, a party. The guys helped me think of it earlier when you were talking to Jacob. I will get you away and show you our home while spending quality time together while everyone set up a welcome back party for you and a welcome party for our daughter." Hunter explains to me.

"You are the best." I tell him.

He kisses me until I can't breathe and we have to pull away. He shows me the way to the party and we both get surprised by the amount of presents that have been piled up in the corner of the room.

"The pack wanted to surprise you both." James tells us, following us into the room.

"We can help you bring them to your new home later, if you want." Scott offers.

"Thank you." I tell them all, trying not to cry.


After hours of fun and plenty of food and drinks, everyone was up and dancing until I heard a voice over the speakers.

"This is for the Alpha and Luna, who was never able to have their first dance."

The song starts to play, and Jacob comes up to me and takes the sleeping baby out of my arms.

Hunter takes my hand and pulls me to the dance floor that has now emptied. Everyone of the sidelines, letting us enjoy this moment that was taken from us so long ago.

As we dance, we get lost in each others eyes, just enjoying this moment. Hunter spins me around and dips me, causing me to laugh and enjoy this moment even more. I kept Star have more control so she can be in this moment as well.

'Thank you.' Star says.

'You're welcome.'


Merry Christmas, everyone, and I hope you all have an amazing new year!

I've almost finished with this book now, I hope you have all liked it. Please let me know if I have missed anything within the storyline.

Let me know what you think.


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