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Sky's pov:

I was able to dodge Drevons questions about marking and mating for now, but only until Mason comes back with my daughter, telling us that she is okay; but I know that won't happen as they should be running towards my mate's pack already, with everyone else who was locked up here.

"What is taking so long?" Drevon asks, getting up and walking towards the don't.

"Where are you going?" I ask, I need to stall for as much time as I possibly can.

"I'm going to check on Mason, he is taking too long." He says.

"How about we wait? I'm sure he won't be much longer." I tell him, but all that does is make him look at me weirdly.

"Something's not right. Normally, you would panic and freak out if she wasn't back in your arms in a few minutes, and it's been maybe 20 or 30 minutes by now."

"I'm fine now. I guess I have calmed down and have started to accept my pack members and know they will keep her safe as well." I tell him, hoping he will agree with what I've said and be quiet.

"No, something's not right." Drevon whispers under his breath. He closes his eyes for a sec, but it's already too late.  "No one is responding to me."

"What?" I ask, acting like I have no idea what is happening. 'He has a mind link. Damn it!'

"It's too quiet." He tells me.

"Everything is fine."I tell him, standing up and getting ready to do whatever I can to give them more time.

"No. It's not." He says, looking me in the eyes and then he's charging at me.

He pushes me with full force. So here I am, falling out the window. Great. I use my powers to help me balance and I land on the ground with both of my feet. I look up at the window and stare up at him.

Since giving birth to my baby girl, my powers have come back, but they aren't as strong as they used to be, maybe it's because of how Drevon destroyed my link to my mate and pack, but I won't let it stop me. I can still defeat him.

"I see you have been keeping some secrets from me!" Drevon shouts down at me.

"I guess I could say the same thing about you!" I shout back.

"I will give you one last chance. You can apologise and we can carry on with how we were before or I can kill you now and wait for you in the next life."

I scoff at what he said and roll my eyes at him.

"When will you get it?" I ask him.

"Get what?"

"That I will never love you. Not in any of my past lives, not in this one, and in none of my future lives as well. Even when I lost all of my memories of my mate and pack and all connection to them, I still couldn't fall in love with you." I tell him, determined to finally make him understand.

That seems to have broken the last thread of sanity he had left as he growls and soon I start to hear other growls along with his, but these aren't any growls that are welcomed.

I look around and notice the rogues that were knocked out earlier have started to wake up.

'You know Star, this would be an amazing time for you to come out and play.'

I try and send a message to Star but she still isn't answering me and that's when I hear it.

My mates howl.


Sorry it's been so long since I last updated, but I hope you like the new chapter.

Let me know what you think.


P.S. The next couple of chapters have some fighting scenes in them, and some may count them at violent, so please carry on reading only if you are comfortable with doing so.

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