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Hunter's pov:

Today something changed. I felt it. I know I did.

The connection I felt with my mate, it has gotten stronger. It feels different from before but I can still sense Sky and that's all I care about.

Last night I had a dream and in that dream, all I saw was this area. It had a run-down building and a field with a lot of trees surrounding it. For some reason, I just knew that was where she was. When I tried to search it up, I didn't know what to search so I sat in front of my computer for a few minutes before an idea popped into my head. I pulled out all the maps of all the different pack land maps and when I pulled one map out before I knew it, I circled an area on it.

That's it. That's where my mate is. I called my warriors and sent them to that location and told them what I dreamed about and what they should keep an eye out for.

I called the alpha of the pack and let him know my men were on their way and why they were going to his pack. He let me know that was okay and that he will send help if I need it.

That alpha has too much land for such a small pack, he can't even control what goes on in it, it will probably be best if he stays far away so his tiny pack doesn't become extinct.


I've waited by my phone for so long that I've lost track of time. I could only tell that the day has been and gone by James bringing me food at mealtimes.

James just left the food on my desk and left, taking my hardly touched lunch with him, when the door opens again.

"Big brother, why aren't you eating?" I hear her voice and raise my head.

"Amelia..." I say, my voice cracking after seeing the tears on her face.

"Come here." I tell her, opening my arms.

She runs into my arms and I pull her onto my lap as we cry into each other's shoulders. I repeat the words "I'm sorry" non-stop into her hair, only now realising just how much I have been hurting her. She is only 10 years old after all.

The sound of the phone ringing makes me pull back. I clear my throat and wipe my face and then pick up the phone.

"Alpha Hunter Knight speaking."

"We've found her scent Alpha. We've found your mate's scent. She's here Alpha." One of my head warriors says.

"Thank you." I whisper through the phone. "Get everyone ready, I'm coming to bring my mate back." I tell him and hang up.

"Have they found her?" Amelia asks.

"Yeah, they found her." I tell her, the smile growing on my face for the first time in a long time.

I give Amelia a quick hug and wipe her face to get rid of the traces of her tears too and then get up, telling her to get ready for bed as I'm going to bring my mate back. She smiles and then runs off, probably going to tell everyone and not be going to bed like I told her to.

'We've found her. Get ready to get your Luna back.' I tell my warriors through the pack link.

I feel their excitement through their responses and I know nothing will stop us from bringing Sky back now.

'Don't worry mate. I'm coming for you.'


Let me know what you think.


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