Chapter one

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y/n means your name. — trust me the story gets better the more you read it—
"..." means time skip
Disclaimer, this has nothing to do with Spider-Man and/or the avengers.

It's the last week of school and you need to get caught up with your late work. The teacher assigns you with a tutor named Peter. You had a crush on him since as long as you could remember, so you were glad that he was your tutor.
Peter: hey y/n, where do you want to meet up after school?
You: um, the library?
Peter: sure, see you after school then.
You: yeah, see ya.
You say quietly and blushing a little as he walks away.

After school you two meet up in the library, it was pretty awkward at first because you guys never really talked before

Peter: so, where do you want to sit?
You: It doesn't matter.
You guys find the nearest table and sit side by side.
Peter: what do you want to start with.
You: science.
You picked science first because you knew he was really good at it. As you're grabbing your books from you back pack, your arm rubbed against Peters. You feel butterflies in you stomach right after and you try to hide your smile.

Peter: let's see how far behind you are.
He says trying to break the silence.
You: I'm a few weeks behind.
Peter: okay, we're going to be here a while then.  
He adds a little laugh which makes you smile.

It took about an hour and half to finish most of your late work. It was getting late and you both lived near school so Peter walks you home. You try to make small talk.

You: so peter, what do you like to do in your free time?
Peter: I like to read or listen to music. What about you?
You: I like to draw or also listen to music.
Peter: that's cool, are you any good?
You: no not really.
You were just joking a little hoping he would say something.
Peter: ah I bet you are, can I see?
You were carrying your scotch book so you open up to one of your drawings, as you flip through the pages A piece of paper falls out he goes to pick it up. You hopped it wasn't the drawing of him you did in class. It was.
You: oh, that's nothing.
You quickly grab it out of his hands, you were very embarrassed.
Peter: come one, let me see it.
You couldn't say no to that face, so even though it was embarrassing you still showed it to him.
Peter: oh... that's very good. Better then I could do. By far.
You: thank you.

You were blushing a little. You two came across your house.

You: this is my house
Peter: oh, ok.
You: see you tomorrow
Peter: yeah, bye

You two stare at each other which felt like forever, but it really was just a few seconds until you turned away. When he started to walk away you kept looking at him, he started to look back at you so you quickly turned back to the door. You looked back a second time and he was still looking at you.

You: bye peter.
You say agin.
Peter: right, bye y/n

You had a big smile on your face when you walked inside. You find your mom standing there.

Mom: so, who was that?
You: no one
Mom: oh, sure. He's just a 'no one'
She said jokingly
You: shut up
You say with a laugh
Mom: you like him don't you?
You: no...

You two were just joking around, but you really do like him. As you were slowly drifting off to sleep you remember that the Sadies dance is coining up, (a dance where the girls ask the guys out) so of course you'd want to ask Peter out. So you were imagining what it'd be like to be held in peters arms at the dance, and how you would ask him out.

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