Chapter Twelve

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Finally you guys got outside and walked to peters car. When you got to his car, he opened the door for you. Right before you got in you gave him the box of chocolate. What a gentleman. You thought while getting into the car. He closed the door and went to the driver's side. Before he got in you looked behind you and saw a small picnic basket and some blankets on the back seat. Then you heard Peters door open and you turned forwards. He put the box of chocolate in the back. Before he put his seatbelt on, he turned towards you, put his arm on the glovebox (the thing between the driver and passenger seat) your arm was on it too, he put his hand on yours looked at you and said "ready?" He sounded excited. You responded with a head nod and a smile. He then gave you a little kiss on the lips and put his seatbelt on and started to back out of your driveway.

He turned on the radio and your favorite song was on ("kiwi"by Harry Styles).You wanted to sing to it. The radio was loud enough so that if you whispered the lyrics he wouldn't hear you. You turned your head to the window so he wouldn't see you. You started to hear him sing along so you looked over at him and started to sing a bit louder. The song just started and you both really liked it so he turned the radio up really loud and you both sang to basically the whole song.

When the song was over peter said;
Peter: I love that song.
You: same! I also like 'Sign of The Times' by Harry Styles
Peter: me too!
You two laughed. There were a few other songs on the radio until you got to "the place", as peter calls it.

Peter:ok, we're here.
You guys pulled onto a gravel road and there were trees around. He parked the car, got out and opened your door and helped you out. He got the basket and blankets out from the back, grabbed a plastic bag, you didn't know what was in it yet. It wasn't too dark outside, it was just dusk out and you could still see a little. He put the basket handle around his left arm, the blankets were on the basket and he had the plastic bag in the same hand too. With his right hand he reached for your hand and held it, you two started walking down a gravel path. You saw a sign that said "Batalon Campsite" at least I know where I am now.
You: you rented a campsite?
Peter: yeah, just for one night though.
You: Peter, you didn't need to. wasn't it expensive?
Peter: I'm close with the guys son. So I got it half price.

After you guys passed a few campsites, peter said "campsite 10, this is us." There was grass on the campsite, and there was already a fire going, some candles, a blanket and some lights there too.

You: wow, you did this?
You: I love it.

You walked over by the fire and warmed up, and threw some twigs in it. Peter was getting out the food and blankets. He opened the plastic bag and in it were more candles and a box of matches. You helped him set up the candles and lit some of them. After the candles were lit, you went over by the blanket that Peter had spread out, there were two extra ones that you two used to cover yourselves up with. He handed you a ziplock bag that had a sandwich in it, handed you a water battle with your favorite drink in it, got out a bag of chips. He set out a dish of sliced up fruit on top of the basket. (There can be other food too, you can have it whatever you want it to be.)And to the side there were s'more stuff for later. While you guys ate and talked about your lives. It was very romantic you thought.

When you guys were done eating, Peter took your garbage and put it back in the basket. He grabbed the S'more stuff and moved closer to you and the fire. You two were sitting side by side now facing the fire.
Peter: you want one?
He says pointing at the s'more stuff.
Peter: how done do you want it
You: golden on the outside.
He started roasting your marshmallow, while he was doing that, you were getting the gram crackers and chocolate out. When he was done, he put the marshmallow on the gram cracker and chocolate piece you had and ate it. He started to make his own when you were done he finished making his.
Peter: how was it?
You: very good, thank you.
Peter: you want another one?
You: sure
Then he made both of you another one. When you were done making s'mores peter pulled out his laptop and said he had downloaded "The Notebook" on Netflix. He moved the basket aside, grabbed some pillows for both of you, and you both laid down and he put his computer between you two. His arm was under your head, you two were facing towards each other. When the movie ended, you got teary eyed and you saw Peters eyes were watery too. (If you haven't seen the notebook, it's a sad movie) you've never saw Peter cry before which in this case was kinda funny to you. After the movie was down it was only 9:30.
Peter: we still have an hour till you need to be home, what do you want to do?
You: let's just lay here for a bit and look at the stars.
Peter: ok, I'm going to put more wood on the fire first.
He got up and did so. When Peter came back, he covered himself up with the blanket, came close to you and put his right arm under your head and his left one behind you on your lower back. He pulled you close and gave you a hug you hugged him back and kept your hand on his side. Then you two looked up at the stars and and you spotted a shooting star.
You: look a shooting star, make a wish.
You say that while pointing to where you saw it. I wish that Peter and I last a while.
You looked at peter and said;
You: did you make a wish?
Peter: yes I did.
You: what'd you wish for?
Peter: I can't tell you or it won't come true.
  He looked back at you and started to kiss you. His left hand was on your neck, and you moved your right hand to the back of his head. You felt him push you back slowly and now you were on your back and he was mostly on his side, hovering over you. He kept kissing you, at one point you felt him grab your bottom lip with his mouth and gently bit it. You thought that what he was amazing. You brought your other hand up to his side again and followed it up to his bicep. Since he was putting his body weight on that arm you could feel his muscle and you squeezed his arm a little. Your right hand was still on his head so you moved it down to peters back and grabbed his shirt a little.

Peter: come with me.
You: where?
Peter: you'll see.

He got up and grabbed your hand and you followed him. It didn't take long for you to see the river up ahead.
  He brought you to a little opened area and he stared to take his socks and shoes on. You stood there for a second until you realized what he was going to do.
You: we're not going swimming, are we?
Peter: yeah, now come on don't make me go in by myself.
  He already had his shirt off. You started to take your shoes off, then your jacket, then your pants. You kept your shirt on because you were insecure about your stomach, he didn't seem to mind. You both kept your underwear on. When you were taking your clothes off, you kept glancing at peter taking his off. He was really muscular and in shape.
Peter: ready?
  He says with his hand out waiting for you to grab it.
You: it's going to be cold.
Peter: ah, we'll be fine.
  You two ran into the water to the deep end, where you were the water was to your shoulders. It wasn't as cold as you thought it was going to be. You two let go of hands and went under. You soon felt peter grab you from behind and he pulled you back to him. He turned you around and you wrapped your legs around his waist and put your arms on his shoulders, you felt his arms around your back, you kissed him and he kissed you back. It was a longish kiss. His hand started to move to your side and went down to your thigh. You got butterflies in you stomach. After a little bit he moved his hands under your shirt to you back. You guys were in the water for about 20 minutes, the whole time he was holding you and nobody said a word. It was just silence and a few giggles and the sound of you two kissing.

You tried to pull away to speak but Peter kept his lips on yours.
You: I'd hate to ruin the moment, but I think we should go back.
Peter: I don't want to
  He says in a baby voice
You: I have to go home soon Peter.
  You say back at him in a baby voice too. Peter let go of you, and you let go of peter. You guys swam back to shore and put your clothes on. It took what felt like five minutes to put your jeans on. It was really hard because you were wet still. When you guys got your cloths on Peter and you walked back to the campsite. The fire and candles were about burnt out, the only light you had was the moon and the fairy lights which barely did anything. You helped peter pack up and helped him carry things back to his car. When you got back to the car you helped him put the stuff in the back on the passenger side. When you were done, Peter opened the front door for you and you got in and he closed it for you.

(Sorry this chapter was long)

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