Chapter Sixteen

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The bell rang for lunch to be over so you guys quickly got up but stayed low to try to hide from the teacher so she wouldn't wonder what  you two were doing for 30 minutes. Right when you guys were leaving she says "have a good day" you and Peter replied back with "you too" barley keeping your laughs in.

Peter walked you to your next class holding your hand. Before you entered your class he stopped you and asked a question.
Peter: hey, do you want to come over to my house after school? I can drive you right after school is over with.
You: I can't, my mom is going to pick me up from school and we're going to get a dress for me at the dance.
Peter: you still don't know what your going to wear?
You: yeah I do, I'm going to wear a dress, duh.
  You say with a laugh.
Peter: well how 'bout after your done shopping?
You: maybe, I'll ask my mom later.
  The two minute bell rang.
Peter: great. I'll see you later then l/n.
  He pulled you in for a kiss. After the kiss Charlie came behind you and shoved you into Peter and mimicked the kissing face at you two. Peter moved you beside and walks up to him like he was going to punch him.
Charlie: ooh, I'm so scared, ah someone help me.
  He says in a snobby voice and Peter tensed up more.
You: Peter, don't even try, he's just asking for it.
  You say calmly to Peter grabbing his arm trying to turn him toward you like Charlie isn't even there. Maybe he does really like me, he wouldn't do this if he didn't.
You: come on, go to class or you'll be late.
  You say turning him to the direction of where his class is. He starts walking but is still looking back at Charlie with his jaw clenched and his hand still in a fist.
Peter: if you hurt her or touch her what so ever, I will fucking punch you.
  Mr. Rodgers, the history teacher, was about to close the door and heard peter say that.
Mr.Rodgers: language!
Peter: sorry sir.
Mr. Rogers: get to class the bell is about to ring.

Peter went into Mr. Rodgers class, and you went into study hall with Charlie following behind you, stepping on your shoes.

About halfway through class, you hear " y/n l/n and Peter Parker to the main office please. Y/n l/n and Peter Parker to the main office please." They repeat. Now what. Did someone see us in the library? Everyone was looking at you, well it felt like everyone. You hated being the center of attention so you packed up your school work avoiding eye contact with everyone and left to got to the office. You saw Peter come out of Mr. Rodgers class.
Peter: now what?
  He says confused.
You: I don't know?
  Peter could tell you were scared so he put his arm around you and gave you a side hug and kissed you on your head.

When you got to the office Mr. Beck was meeting with someone else so you and Peter waited in the lobby. Peter was calm and you wondered how he could be so calm. Again you were worried that Mr. Beck was going to call your parents and tell them what you did. But what did we do? The receptionist lady told you two that Mr. Beck was ready for you guys so you went into his office.

Beck: hey guys.
You and Peter: hi
  You both say nervously.
Beck: so, your probably wondering why I called you two in here. Well, after I was done talking to you two before lunch, Ms. Romanoff, the security lady, saw you two in the library doing... you know what.
Peter: we weren't doing it we were just... making out.
  He felt awkward after saying that to the principal.
Beck: y/n what's your side of the story?
You: what he said, we were only kissing, nothing else.
  You felt weird after saying it too.
Beck: hm, well first of all school isn't a place for people to 'make out' it's a place for people to learn, so stop doin'.. whatever. Secondly, I know you guys skipped third hour. Since it's close to the end of the school year, I won't call home, but if I see you two sneaking around school skipping classes one more time today or tomorrow, I'll call home and not let you two go to the dance. You understand?
Peter: yes sir.
  You nodded because you were still scared.

After you guys left Mr. Becks office, there was still ten minutes left in the class you came from, so Peter walked you back to study hall. When you guys came across your classrooms peter stopped walking, took both of your hands in his, looked down in embarrassment and said;
Peter: this one was on me.
You: Peter, it's ok. We didn't get in that much trouble. And plus he's not going to call home so that's good right?
  You say brushing your hand through his hair.
Peter: heh, yeah.
  You lifted his chin with the hand that was going through his hair, so he's looking at you, and gave him a hug. Then you both went back to class and went on with your last three classes.

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