Chapter twenty-two

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Peter walked you to his car and you guys drove off to a restaurant. When you guys first walked in there was a place where you had to check in and pay. "Table for reserved for two" peter said to the man at the counter. "Last name please?" The man asked. "Parker" peter said. The man told you to follow him to a table and you did. The place looked amazing. It was dimly lit, and every table had a candle on it. It had a cabin like feeling to it. "Wow, this place is amazing Pete." You whisper to peter while walking to the table.

You guys stopped at a table and Peter pulled out a chair for you. You sat in it and he pushed you in. you looked up at him and smiled a little, he looked down and smiled back at you. The waiter gave you two your own menus and said he'd be back in a bit. You and Peter looked at what you wanted, when you decided what you wanted you both just talked until the waiter came back. Eventually he did and you guys ordered you drinks, then he left and came back with your drinks and that's when you ordered your food.


After you and Peter were done eating, he walked you out to his car and you guys drove to the dance. You were still nervous about what people would think about you being with Peter but you ignored that thought as much as you could. "Ready?" Peter asked. "Yup" you say nervously. He realized that you sounded nervous "hey, it's ok." He says grabbing your hand and looking you in your eyes. "If anyone comes near you and says or does anything to you, I'll teach them a lesson." He says with a smirk. You guys walked in holding hands. When you got to the gym where the dance was, there was an upbeat song playing and you didn't really want to dance yet so Peter went to grab the both of you a drink.

When he came back the song was just about over with, a slow song came on next. "You want to dance?" Peter asks you with his hand out. "Of course" you say taking his hand. You guys put you drinks down on a near by table, he walks you to the middle of the gym. Once you find a spot, he brings you close to him. You rest your head on his chest and you two begin to dance. You block out everyone that is talking, the only noise you let yourself hear is the sound of Peter humming along with the song. The feeling you have is better than the feeling you had when it was just you and Peter in the storage room. The song came to an end and you pulled away from peters chest to look up at him. He brought down his head to give a gentle kiss.

The dance went on for two more hours, almost every other song was a slow song. And every time a slow song came on, you and Peter would go and dance. The last slow song you and Peter danced to he said something to you.
Peter: y/n, can tell you something?
You: yes Peter, you can tell me anything.
Peter: I know we haven't been dating that long but..
He paused and you started to hear his heart beat faster.
You: but what?
You say to him, waiting for his to continue.
Peter: i just wanted to say... I love you
You pulled away from Peter to look at him confused. Why would he say that? Why would anyone love me? I do love peter too, but he is my first boyfriend. I feel like it's too soon for me to say I love you to anyone.
Peter: y/n? Say something, you freaking me out a little.
Come on y/n, say it! I. Love. You. Too. Admit it!
You: I love you too Peter.
You say while looking him in his eyes. He sighs in relief and pulls you in and hugs you tight. You hug him back, wishing that this hug lasts forever.

Soon enough the dance came to an end. Everyone was leaving, peter and you walked out to his car. "Let's go to your house and watch a movie." You suggest to peter. "Okay" he says while starting his car.

You guys arrived at his place and luckily Aunt May wasn't home. You and Peter went to his room, he changed out of his suit in the bathroom. When he came out he gave you a pare of his sweat pants and a hoodie. You went to the bathroom and changed into his clothes. They were a bit big in you but that didn't matter to you, they were comfy and that's all that matters. They also smelt like peter. When you got back to his room you found peter laying in bed waiting for you. You walked over to him and later down next to him, he put his arm around you and you rested you head in his chest. You guys picked out a movie to watch on his laptop, Peter pulled you close and hugged you and gave you a kiss on the top of your head. It was late so not long after the movie started, you found yourself asleep in peters arms with the words he said to you at the dance echoing in your head.       "I love you".

I love you too, Peter.

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