When They Walk In On You Changing

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- Kageyama 

~ Automatic nosebleed

~''I'm so sorry- I''

~Can't help but stare at your ass

~ Gets flustered and blushes uncontrollably

- Hinata

~ Like Kageyama, nosebleed

~ Passes out because he can't handle it (aww poor baby :(  )

~ ''I'm sorry Y/n-Chan - I'll leave now!''

~ Tells the team and Noya and Tanaka are already running to your room. 

~ Apologises every five seconds and every time he looks at you he sees you in your undergarments.

- Sugawara

~ Covers his eyes immediately

~ Starts apologising

~'' I'm sorry Y/n I walked into the wrong room! I will leave now and I won't tell anyone''

~Literally runs into the side of the door because he is still covering his eyes.

- Tsukkishima

~''Well, well, well, what do we have here?''

~ Secretly takes a photo for blackmail purposes in the future.

~ He doesn't notice but a tint of blush is across his face.

~ He is staring at your b00bs and literally can't get over it after he leaves

~ ''Yams I'm telling you she looked like an angel.''

- Daichi

~ Dies

~ He can't deal with how your basically naked and shuts his eyes.

~ He doesn't focus in practice because your stuck in his head

~Extremely embarrassed

~ *Silence* *Walks out* *Shuts door.*

- Nishinoya

~ Run to Ryu and tell him he saw you naked

~ He blushes at first and comes in to grab the thing he left

~ The tension between you two is so awkward afterwards.

~ Looks at your 'chest' the entire time.

~ He will cherish that moment forever. Literally.

- Kiyoko

~ Smiles and continues getting the thing she left.

~ As she's about to leave the room she apologises

~ ''Sorry for barging in like that I really needed my clipboard. By the way, you should put Aloe Vera on that sunburn. It will start peeling soon if you don't.''

- Yaichi

~ Dies

~Screams really loud ''I'M SO SORRY Y/N I WILL LEAVE OMGG!''

~ She try's to avoid you afterwards because she's so embarrassed

~ Lowkey thinks dirty things after. (Hehe sozzy guys)


- Iwazumi

~ His face legit goes crimson red and he admires your whole body.

~ ''Oh my god your so beautiful- wait! I- I'm sorry'' and SPRINTS out the door.

~  Oikawa teases him about how red his face is after seeing you in your matching lace underwear and bra.

- Oikawa


~ A shit-eating grin appears on Flattykawa's face and he gets a good look at your ass. (Because he don't have one eeheheeheheheheh)

~ With a flirty smile he says ''Wow Y/n L/n, I didn't know that you wore Victoria secrets limited edition sets.''

~ This boy gets his water bottle and then leaves with that same face. Smh.


- Tendou

~ Warning: He would get turned on.

~ He wears a playful smirk on his beautiful fine looking face and grabs what he needs.

~ You didn't even realise he was staring at you and then he left! Sneaky little b-

~ He tells Ujishima about what happened and described how good you looked in black underwear.

- Ujishima

~ *Opens door* *takes one look at you* *shuts door*

~ He doesn't say anything he just leaves.

~ He doesn't talk about it and still won't admit how fucking turned on he got when he saw you.

~ He gets a slight blush on his face but ignores the thought.

~ Cant get your figure out of his mind. It's like it is glued in front of his face.


- Akaashi

~ This respectful boi apologises while STARING AT YOUR B00BS.

~ Lowkey turned on.

~ But he's a man. He can control himself unlike some others.

~ Like Ujishima, he won't admit that he can't get you out his head and your constantly on his mind.

- Bokuto

~ He gasps and then slams the door shut as quick as possible. 

~ Hahaha you guys really thought he would leave you alone?

~ He was peeking through the gap of the door watching you put on a big comfy hoodie and some tight short shorts. 

~ Damn that's a story to tell Akaashi later. ;)


- Kuroo

~ '' Nice outfit Chibi-Chan ''

~ Sooooooo turned on. (Plz step on me-)

~ I'm not joking when I say he comes in and you guys eventually have a heated make-out session (that's a story for another time ;) )

~ Admires your body and you red laced panties and bra.

~ Even though he had no idea what the fuck he was doing, he went along with what his head was telling him to do.

- Kenma

~This boy didn't care.

~ He walked in while playing Mario Kart on his Nintendo and then when he saw you his face turned the shade of his uniform but continued getting what he wanted.

~ He was so flustered after Kuroo thought that he would pass out.

~ Lev saw him and he looked like he was drawling? Hehe.

- Lev

~ Like Bokuto, he walked in, walked out, and decided to look again.

~ Thought he was dreaming until Yaku pulled him away from the door.

~ He wished that lasted for longer.

~ Now Lev is angry at Yaku. Well done Yaku. Smh.

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