Your Parents First Impressions On Them

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- Kageyama

~ Slightly intimidated by him

~ He seemed like a nice boy but your mother was a bit unsure as he gave off ''scary'' vibes

~ Your dad loves him tho and sees him as a son.

- Hinata

~ Your parents LOVED Hinata but your dad thought he was a bit childish for his type.

~ Your parents welcomed him in and he was really nervous because your parents were intimidating

~ He got over it and actually had a really great time.

- Sugawara

~ They thought he was a gentleman

~ Your parents adored him and really want him to come back next time you vitsit

~ He was super nice to them and even brought a home-made pie for yall

- Tsukkishima

~ They were happy he was taller than you.

~ He gave a good impression on your mom but your dad not so much.

~ He thinks he's a bit weird but he grew on him after they had a long talk about music.

- Daichi

~ Like Suga, a literal angel

~ They both though he was very manly and could see him being a business man after he graduates school

~ Your parents are already planning another catch-up after you come back from training camp!

- Nishinoya

~ Your mother thought he was adorable

~ Your dad thought of him as your best friend and couldn't really see a future with him for you

~ But he accepted it as it is because if your happy, he's happy :)

- Kiyoko

~ They thought she was fvcking amazing!

~ They were super happy and supportive of your relationship and they thought he was super kind

~ She made a very good impressions and your parents here happy to accept her as your girlfriend!

- Yaichi

~ They thought she was very sweet and cute

~ They thought the world of her and want her to come back sometime soon 

~ She was helping your mother make dinner and having a friendly talk with your father


- Iwazumi

~ Came off really gentle and your parents were happy

~ Your mother loved him the most showering him in your baby photos

~ Your dad and him were having bonding time at dinner and he had a lot of common interests with your father which made him happy.

- Oikawa

~ Like his fangirls, they adored him!

~ He ended up watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians with your sister and mother after dinner while you talked with your dad.

~ Your dad liked him as well and wants to come to one of his games!


- Tendou

~ Because he played volleyball, they were super impressed and interested in him

~ Since he was a unique person with an interesting personality, he bonded with your siblings and mother a lot.

~ Your dad was proud of you and super happy because Tendou invited him to one of his important volleyball matches!

- Ujishima

~ He brought your family to one of your conjoined volleyball games to impress them

~ He bought dinner as well for your family since he wanted to come off as a nice person and plus he didn't know how to cook.

~ Your family loves him and your grandparents approve!


- Akaashi

~ Your family LOVED LOVED HIM

~ Already planning out your future

~ He was super happy to see that he made a good first impression on your parents and now you have to meet his next week- (sh!t.)

- Bokuto

~ He made a really nice dinner for your family and insisted on cooking

~ He took a cooking class before with Akaashi just so he could make the perfect meal for your family

~ He took your sister and mother out shopping after dinner and bought some nice shoes for your father!


- Kuroo

~ They thought he was a really kind and gentle guy

~ He was really respectful and communicated well with your parents

~ Your dad has already decided that you will marry him-

- Kenma

~ This was the first time you saw Kenma this manly-

~ He was super friendly specially towards your dad because he was kinda intimidating not gonna lie-

~ Definitely made a connection with your mother and helped make some dumplings (because Kuroo taught him how to~)

- Lev 

~ He kinda intimidated your mother with his height but he made a very good first impression on your dad

~ He saw him as his son already and your mother was happy you finally brought someone sweet home

~ He was genuinely respectful and acted differently around them which made your tiny little fragile heart explode! :)

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