When They Ask You Out

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- Kageyama

Kageyama and you were sitting on the bleachers just having a conversation. Of course, he was way to shy to ask you so you took a leap of faith and asked him.

''Y/n, I was wondering- I - uhhh-''

''Yes I would love to be your girlfriend Tobio :)''

'Hahaha you ended up leaving him in a stuttering mess.'

- Hinata

You were at Hinata's house after a long tiring volleyball game and he was sitting in the living room eating a meat bun while you were exiting the bathroom. Natsu (Hinata's little sister if you didn't know) skipped up to you happily.

''Hinata has a crush on you and I think he wants to ask you out!'' The ginger haired child said.

''Well how about you tell Hinata that I would love to be his girlfriend.''

As she tells him, while he stuffs his face, he immediately opens his eyes as wide as possible and spits out his delicious meat bun.

- Sugawara

The afternoon sun was gleaming and when the light reflected onto your face he stared in awe as you both walked along the beach. Today was the day he was going to ask one of the prettiest girls he's ever seen to be his girlfriend. 

''Y/n I love how you always make me happy and your so beautiful and I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't meet you. Y/n L/n, would you like to be my mine?''

'OMG THAT WAS SO SWEET!' - Nishinoya

'Who knew Y/n-san would react in such way! - Asahi

'When are they going to stop kissing.' - Tsukkishima


- Tsukkishima

Seeing as you were watching a romance movie with the saltiest person in history, you were shook he was actually enjoying it. Well, he wasn't watching it, he was watching you. 

''Y/n- you know if you were a dinosaur, you would be a gorgeousaurus.'

'Is this your way of asking me out?'

''Shut up I was trying something that Nishinoya taught me.''

'Since when do you take his advice?! HAHA'

Anyways he pulled you into a hug and then watched Jurassic park after! :)

- Daichi

This boi literally pulled up to your door with a massive bunch of flowers and gifts.

''Y/n your the prettiest girl and the kindest girl I've ever met. It's always been you and no one else and I would love for you to be my girlfriend.''

This moment was so precious to you, that you were about to cry. ''Fuck yes''

''Oi no swearing!''

- Nishinoya

''Y/n-Chan can I cuddle you?'' Nishinoya said as you were intensely watching the scene where people kiss. You didn't even reply and Noya had already snuck his arms around you and kissed you on your cheek. You immediately blushed and turned to face him. You did the unexpected and kissed him back.

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