When You Get Your Period

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- Kageyama

~ ''What?''

~ When you ask him to buy you pads he literally buys toilet paper instead and tells you that it's better-

- Hinata

~ He is sooooo clueless tho

~ He buys you chocolate and sweets after having it explained to him by one of his former teammates.

- Sugawara

~ Buys you everything you need. Need pads? He's already bought it. Need chocolate? He's got it.

~ Makes sure you as comfortable as possible and is legit such a good boyfriend :)

- Tsukkishima

~ Avoids you as much as possible

~ He might stop by after practice and bring you a few things but not usually. He doesn't want to deal with mood swings :(

- Daichi

~ He downloaded a period tracker just so he knew when to buy you what.

~ Spoils you with affection and kisses :)

- Nishinoya

~ ''What's your pssy size?''

~ Such a dumbass when it comes to girls issues. Like sooo dumb.

- Kiyoko

~ Since she's a girl, she knows how your feeling and she is there for you

~ She spoils you with food and cuddles as much as she can and definitely pays more attention to you and your behaviour.

- Yaichi

~ Takes notes on your symptoms so she can help you.

~ She is so sweet she literally bought you a full gift basket with stuff inside just for you!


- Iwazumi

~ Much much more nicer towards you and becomes really gentle even when you guys are around the team

~ He goes to the convenience store after school to buy you a few things because he knows how hard you get it

- Oikawa

~ He's like ''ok and?'' (This boy is like a whole mood himself-)

~ Nahhhhh jk he wouldn't do that to you but he is moody when you get mood swings and yall have so many arguments because he cant just keep his pretty mouth shut.


- Tendou

~ Buys you everything you need and pays more attention to you because he doesn't want to die :)

~ ''I bought a few packs because I didn't know if it was like waterfall or just a dripping tap'' 'That makes no sense dumb fvck'

- Ujishima

~ He literally gets admired by so many women for going to the store to get you your needs. 

~ He definitely stays over a few nights to give you extra cuddles and warmth (omg that's so cannon)


- Akaashi

~ Definitely the type to go full out on you and is just so affectionate its going to make my heart explode omg-

~ ''I'm going down to the store I'll be back soon <3'' he said while you were curled up in a fetal position (ADSNSKNVSIVEISBEIBNEON MY HEART-)

- Bokuto

~ ''Huhhh?'' ''Is that some type of disease?'' ''Are you going to die?!''

~ He is so confused and he had to get Akaashi to explain the whole thing to him. Once he understood he bought you so much chocolate your house was looking like Wonka's Chocolate Factory-


- Kuroo

~ He is extra careful around you because he is scared to make you angry when your on your period-

~ He would by you what you need and stay a few nights at your house to give you comfort because he's just so precious (omg JPSOOIKMNIERJGBEROU)

- Kenma

~ I think he is lowkey freaking out because he has never been put in this situation before

~ He would buy you a few things but become a bit more distant form you because he thought you might want some space and plus he thought you might murder him-

- Lev

~ He actually kind of knew a lot about it since he had a sister and had to deal with her for all his life

~ He was already prepared and ready to give you many cuddles and have a movie night in your living room <3



Thanks so much for over 100 reads on my story! <3 and a kind thanks to @ShoyoHinata6285

for being a kind person and supporting me! As this is my first story this means a lot to me so thank yall <3

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