Chapter Fifteen

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Cameron's POV:

Me: hey Becky, how about we go somewhere today, get your mind off of things for a bit?

Becky: that sounds good, what do you want to do?

Me: I don't mind you choose

Becky: let's go.....

Me: I have an idea lets go to the park

Me: okay I'll meet you at your room in 30. Be ready 😋

I put my phone down and got ready. I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, my hair was a bit messy so I brushed my hands through it then walked out. I put my shoes on and headed round to Becky's

"you ready?"

"Yeah one sec let me just put my shoes on" Becky said.

"Okay cool"

"Hey were matching! Look!" She pulled me In front of a mirror and I noticed we were indeed matching. We were both wearing Aaron merch and jeans.

"Guess we both love Aaron" I laughed. I held out my hand and helped Becky up and then we headed for the park.

We arrived at the park and Becky looked a bit uneasy.

"You okay?"

"Yeah.. Um I'm fine"

"Your not fine. What's wrong"

"Well.. I guess it's because the park was the first place me and Seb really ever went together, and where we had our first kiss.." I looked over at her and gave her a smile which made her smile back.

"It's okay.." I said stroking my thumb down her cheek. I got out of the car and walked round to help Becky out. She smiled and then we walked into the park and found a nearby bench. Becky looked up at me and her eyes started to water.


"Yeah babe?"

"I don't understand..."

"Understand what?"

"I don't understand why I love sebastian so much, I know that sounds really rude but he's always getting into trouble and sometimes making me feel bad about him when he's done nothing wrong. I just don't get it."

"That's because love is strong Becky..." I lifted her chin so she was looking me in the eyes. "Becky, you promise me you won't give up on him because I assure you he will not give up on you, every second your not their he's always bragging about how amazing and beautiful you are. But if you feel like you can't go on with him any longer, you come to me okay, I'm here for you"

"Okay" she replied and she gave me a hug. We sat there for about 5 minutes until Becky finally said

"Wanna go get some ice cream?"

"Sure why not" we stood up to go get some ice cream when I hear some girls shout :

"Oh my god you're Cameron Dallas !" I turned around to see three girls standing their with their phones in their hands recording / taking photos of me and Becky.
"AND BECKY?! I'm gunna cry" one of them said. They all ran over to me and Becky and I hugged them all. We took some photos together and they said their goodbyes.

"That was fun" Becky said

"Yeah, that doesn't really happen often but I guess it will happen more and more in the future"

"You're a lucky guy" she joked.

"Come on let's get that ice cream" I smiled and we walked down the pathway.

Sebastian's POV:

"How will I do it? I can't think of a way to get us back together, I don't want to lose her to cam" I say pacing up and down the room.

"What about if you do something really special, and I mean REALLY special that will make her love you so much she will never leave you" Shawn mentions.

"Like what exactly ?"

"Hmmmm... Let me think about it and I'll get back to you by tonight.?"

"Okay see ya shawn" I gave him a bro hug as he walked out the room. After he left I sat there in silence with my thoughts. Special, something special. I got it. "SHAWN" I scream down the hallway, a few moments later I see Shawn pop his head out of his room.

"COME HERE" he quickly came over and we sat down.

"I have an idea"

Becky's POV:

The day with Cameron was amazing and it really got my mind off things. The fans were so cute and the part where we rode the little paddle boats made my day. I went up to my room and went on Twitter.

'Cameron and Becky dating?'

'I ship #bam more than #bebi'

What is this? I scroll through my feed and mentions to see everyone posting this photo of me and Cameron, is sitting on the bench hugging, us eating ice cream, and us walking together with my arm linked with his. Shit. It must've been those fans we met. I decided to go through a few more tweets.

'Such a slut. Sebastian now Cameron, bet she'll be sleeping with all the guys before we know it'

'Skank can't chose a man'

Why are people so horrible? I had to tweet about this.

'everyone, me and Cameron are not a couple, things have happened and we just wanted a day to relax. Hope you understand x' I looked at the replies and it only got worse.

'Ugly fat bitch we know you're lying'

'Go die you liar'

'Never want to see your face in public, probably be with someone else if I do'

That was it, I can't take it. Tears fell down my face and my head started throbbing. But then I felt something, something I could do to stop the pain. I feel the urge to cut but I resist. I'll let everyone down. But the pain inside me is so much worse I just need to go. What is happening to me? I just want to be normal. I walk into the bathroom to find no blades at all so I go to my second option, drugs. Paracetamol and all sorts but I didn't care. I took a handful and that was it. I should be dead by now with the cancer but no, the chemo kept me alive. I've never been a person to feel like this before, but my anger and sadness has come to this. I don't know what to do.

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