Chapter Seventeen

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* the next day *

Becky's POV: I say goodbye to the final person of the group, my bestfriend, Cam. He pulled me into a tight hug and whispered

"I'll miss you Becky. So so much. Promise we will meet up again soon."

"Promise" I pull out of the hug and grab my bags for the long plane journey ahead. As I checked in my bags I took one last look at all my friends who were standing their waving, so I wave back and quickly look away before I started crying.

We sat down in our seats for the plane ride, sebastian to my right.

"Everything's gunna change" I say

*back at home*

We were in a taxi and a road away from our house. Today was My mums birthday and I had bought a big teddy bear for her, some chocolates and flowers. I can't wait to see her for the first time In months! The taxi slowed down and stopped, I look out the window to see mine and Sebs mum standing their waiting for us. With no time to waste I jumped out the car and ran to them and hugged both of them, shortly after seb joining the hug.

"I missed you two" I say laughing slightly.

"We missed you two too" sebs mum replied.

"I have something for you mum" I say. She looked confused so I went and got her her presents. "Happy Birthday mum" I handed her the gifts and she smiled.

"Becky! Thank you so much! love you baby"

"Love you too mum."

Sebastian's POV:

Becky jumped out the car and hugged both our mums so I got out and followed behind. It's so weird being back after so long, the tour felt like home. "Hey mum" I say.

"Hey sweetie, wow it seems like forever since I last saw you"

"Yeah it does haha" I look over at Becky who is talking to her mum about the tour.

"Cmon you lot let's all go inside and catch up!" My mum shouted. We all looked at her and agreed so we walked over to my house and went inside.

*two hours later*

After a long talk our parents finally let us go.

"Let's go upstairs all this talking is tiring"

"Agreed, let's go" we both stood up and walked upstairs to my room. Once I walked in I saw my bed and couldn't help myself but jump on it.

"Ahhhhhhh... Now this is home" Becky giggled at my comment. She walked over and laid down next to me.

"Sebastian.. I got to get one thing straight, before you think anything else. I love you and only you. I may speak to other guys but they're only my friends. Just please don't think I'll ever do anything to hurt you."

"I know Becky.. And same to you. I love you" I kissed her head and we just laid there in silence like we once did before. It feels so good being back home, especially with Becky. It's like it's meant to be.

Becky's POV:

As I was lying there with sebastian I couldn't help but think what was going to happen between us. I know I love him and I never want to leave him. But when he gets more famous and well known, I know it will be difficult to deal with. I'm not going to tell him what I feel right now because I know it'll make him feel bad. I will try the best I can to keep us together. But for now I'm just going to the enjoy the moments I have with him, before I have to make a decision.

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Hey guys so I have an idea for the next few chapters but I'm not gunna write or post them just yet😉 sorry this is a short chapter I didn't really know what to do for this one, PROMISE THEYLL GET BETTER SOON!💘 AND THAT YOU SO SO MUCH FOR 8K READS I CANT BELIEVE IT I LOVE YOUUUU!!❤️peace out

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