Chapter Fourteen

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Beckys POV:

"SEBASTIAN WHAT THE FUCK" I look over to see seb kissing that girl that came over to our table earlier.

"Becky it's not what it looks like"

"NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE? I CAN CLEARLY SEE WHAT YOU WERE DOING. WE ARE THROUGH SEBASTIAN, FINISHED." I stared at him with disbelief. I can't believe he would do this to me. I could feel my heart pounding through my chest and my eyes were watering up. I couldn't stand here any longer, turning around I walked away and called mahogany.

"Hey!" She said into the phone.

"Mahogany I need you to come pick me up"

"Why what's wrong?" That was it, I burst into tears and explained to mahogany everything.

"Omg babe I'll be there as soon as I can okay. Talk to me when you get in the car"

"Okay" I say wiping away my tears. I cut off the phone and sat until mahogany came and picked me up. I saw mahoganys car so I ran over and jumped in.

"Babe you look terrible, come here" she pulled me into a hug and I burst into tears again. Once we had hugged for a while she sat back and smiled just after driving back to where we were staying. Once we were back we went up to our room where I just layed there on my bed, my face in the pillow and my legs curled up near my chest. Why.. Just why would he do this. A few moments later a herd a knock on the door.

"Go away" I shout.

"Becky it's cam. Please let me in" I debated on whether I should or not but then I realised he's one of my best friends, I had to.

"Fine..." The door slowly opened and cams head poked round the door. I looked at him and then put my head straight back into the pillow. The bed suddenly lowered so I knew he was sitting beside me.

"Come here Becky give me a hug" I sat up and fell into his arms. Cam was so warm and soft it sorta helped me relax.

"So... What happened?.." I told him everything, every last detail.

"That's terrible Becky. I truly thought he was the one you know. I'm so sorry" I looked up at him

"Don't be sorry cam. It's okay. But please, just stay here with me"


Sebastian's POV:

I just went out for a second to have a cigarette and Melissa came up to me and kissed me. Why, why at that time did Becky have to come outside. I don't like Melissa, AT ALL! I tried to push her off me at first but I couldn't get her off, but as soon as Becky came outside that was it, I knew what was coming. After she left I left too, I went back inside the restaurant, grabbed my stuff, then headed back to where we were staying.

*10 minutes later*

I jumped out of the car and ran into the hotel and straight up to Becky's room. *KNOCK KNOCK* on the door, but there was no answer.

"BECKY? MAHOGANY?" Yet again no answer. Where could Becky be? I thought and thought but I can't think where she could be. I went outside and sat on the only bench there and got out my phone and text her.

Me: Becky please.. Just listen.. I didn't kiss her, she kissed me. I tried so hard to get her off of me but I couldn't. Please just ring me when you get this so we can talk.

I put down my phone and put my head in my hands. Thoughts filled my head, what is going to happen? Will she never talk to me again? I feel confused. I need Becky back, but I just don't know how I'm going to do it.

Cameron's POV:

I felt really bad about Becky seeing what she had. She loved him and I love her, it's horrible seeing her get hurt.

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