Chapter One

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Hey so this is the start of my new fanfiction! The main character in this is a girl named Becky to stop any confusion further on in the story. This is my first fanfiction that i will be trying my hardest to complete as my others did not go so well. If there is anything you want me to add in or change just comment on the chapter. thank you and i hope you enjoy the first chapter of my fanfic(:

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Sebastian's POV:

Another term another school, its just moving constantly. i mean i only have myself to blame. Have you ever come across that one guy in your school that doesn't do ANY work, disrupts EVERY lesson they are put in, and does all that bad-ass stuff everyone think is cool like smoking? well that guy is me. I'm 15 and I'm failing all my lessons, I'm not the brightest but you can see why, i guess I'm popular but that doesn't ever last because of moving schools all the time. But today is the day I'm moving completely, not just school but country, i'm moving to the UK. I'm nervous but excited at the same time. sitting on the plane i feel it take off and i grab the arm rest. I'm not good with planes.

"oh what are we going to do with you Sebastian" my mum said looking at me smiling.

"i don't know mum what are you gonna do with me?" i reply with a smile back.

My mum rested her head back on the old plane seat as did i. An 8 hour flight and there's no going back.

*one week later*

Becky's POV:

"HEY SADIE WAKE UP YOU PLONKER" i shout at my sister, shortly after hearing her grown with tiredness. Its currently 7:58am and we're late for school as per usual. I jump up and throw on my crinkled white school shirt and green blazer; i wrap my tie round my neck trying to make myself look presentable and i put on my knee height black skirt with tights and my cute black shoes with a bow on it. I pull my hair up into a messy bun and apply some concealer and mascara as i didn't have time to do anything else. grabbing my bag i look into my room seeing my sister still in bed, silly her

"YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE SADIE. SEE YOU AT SCHOOL... IF YOU MAKE IT" i yell as i leave my house. i see a lorry next to my house but i ignore it. My little sister Sadie is 3 years younger than me and has just started secondary school which means i have to put up with her for another 2 years, but i don't mind, i like her as company.. since i don't have many friends. I have 2 best friends Gee and Megan, they are always there for me and we always have a laugh together but today they are'nt coming into school because they were going on a trip, i don't really know what its about so i wont try and explain.

i arrive at school and see no one i talk to at all, i guess everyone has gone on that stupid trip.

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Hey so i hoped you liked the first chapter of "Change". This chapter was more of an introduction to characters than the start of the story so sorry if it was a bit boring i promise it will be better soon! The next chapter will be up soon! Peace out

Change ~ Sebastian Olzanski fanfiction (SEBTSB)Where stories live. Discover now